Why is Monday so terrible and how to fix it
Health / / December 19, 2019
In this article we will talk about what is the state of "vegetables" on Mondays and how to fight it.
We used to hate Monday, because on this day we feel the worst. But you're wrong if you think that this is connected with the beginning of the work week. It turns out that the problem lies elsewhere. And we have her decision.
The problem is known as "social jet lag" and that it is and how to get rid of, we describe below him.
If during the week you go to bed at 11 pm and wake up at 7, the body gets used to this routine. But the weekend schedule probably broken and you go to have one in the morning and wake up almost a day, thereby creating a jet lag for your brain. Initially, the term jet lag represents a violation of human rhythms, associated with a sharp transition to a different time zone after the flight on the plane. Dramatically changing sleep on the weekends, you create the same jet lag.
A recent study has proven that it is important not only how much you sleep, but also that, when you are asleep. Even if you put slept 8 hours in the morning feeling still may not be the best if you went to bed at unusual times.
Optimal sleep for hours differ for each person.
There are several things that determine when the organism is best to sleep:
- Sensitivity to light.
- Genetic predisposition.
Scientists have confirmed the theory that we can be as "owls" and "larks". Even more complicates the situation is that these biological setting may change with age, and if as a young man you loved to get up a little later, in adulthood, you can easily become a "lark".
Society hinders our body to go to bed and wake up when he needed to.
Even if you have found through observation that the best feeling when you go 10 and get up at 7, not the fact that you will comply with such a regime. Perhaps because of the work will have to get up earlier, but because of the friends have fun until midnight.
And this is a problem.
Worst of all, if you work in shifts. Studies have shown that people who work at night are more prone to diabetes and heart disease.
In 2012, a German researcher Till Roennberg I investigated the social jet lag and its impact on our health. It turns out that even a small change of regime at the weekend a negative effect on the body. To be precise, one of his research has emerged that regime change by one hour on weekends increases the chance of obesity by 30%.
Social jet lag - a change of sleep on weekends, often due to a respite from work.
How to deal with the social jet lag
- Get enough sleep during the week. You probably know how many hours of sleep you need to feel good. Their deficiency leads to a desire to "sleep it off" on the weekends. And this leads to the terrible state of health on Monday.
- Get up early on weekends. It does not sound very much, but at least try. Stand on Saturday and Sunday at a time, as in the week and will follow their state of health on Monday. It should improve.
- Sleep during the day. If you decide to take a nap in the day, it is better to do so in the period from 12 to 16 days, and sleep no more than 30 minutes. The figures are taken from the it research.
- Sunlight on Mondays. If the state of health on Monday is poor, try to get out in the sun. As you remember, one of the main factors affecting the sleep is sensitive to light, which determines the level of melatonin. Going out in the sun, you will feel less sleepy.
How do you feel on Mondays? How are struggling with poor health?