Running or walking - what to choose?
Motivation Health / / December 19, 2019
For the first time to think about the benefits of walking, I had more than a year ago, and not on their own.
Before that, I for a long time, successfully engaged in cross-country training and was not even thinking of quitting. However, life has thrown a nasty surprise in the form of a knee injury, and willy-nilly had to look for a replacement for a morning jog. First, walking has become for me a forced occupation, and then hiking organically entered into my daily routine. So I became interested in the question: "Does walking can actually replace jogging?"
Many people think that walking - is a completely frivolous occupation, which is not even exercise.
"What kind of sports do you do?"
"I go on foot!
Funny, is not it?
But do not rush to laugh. Just remember the reasons that compel us to engage in running, and let's see how to cope with them walking. Here they are:
- improve your overall physical fitness and energy levels;
- increase stamina;
- strengthen the cardiovascular system and avoid specific diseases;
- the same thing about the musculoskeletal system;
- and, yes, yes, yes, it is sure to lose weight!
To determine the impact of running and walking on the state of our health was conducted special study. In its course, we have been brought together and analyzed the data of people involved in these two types of physical activity. The results showed that people who spend time in training about the same number of calories, Regardless of whether they run or walk, they get roughly the same health benefits. We are talking about reducing the risk of hypertension, cholesterol, the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
The picture is a little different from the last, and for many - the most important point. It is natural that when running is spent much more energy than conventional walking. For example, a person weighing 70 kilograms will spend an hour running around 800 calories, and while walking only 300. It becomes a compelling argument in favor of running for all those wishing to lose weight, but do not want to spend too much at the same time.
It is interesting that scientists foundThat even if the runner and walker will spend the same amount of energy (for which the second will have to spend 2.5 times more time), it is still a runner lose weight anymore. This effect of Concerned Scientists, and in Journal of Obesity published reportIn which the results of the analysis of the effect of exercise intensity on our appetite. After a run or walk, participants were invited to the banquet, where walkers ate an average of 50 calories more than they burned, while the runners ate nearly 200 calories less than they lost during training. This is because the runners had significantly higher levels of the hormone peptide YY, which can suppress appetite.
And finally, do not forget that running is much more traumatic occupation than walking. A huge number of runners over time start to experience some problems with the ligaments or joints, sometimes quite serious. While walking is a much more gentle treatment for our body.
So, to some similar conclusions we came to this article?
- Running and walking are equally useful for health promotion, if you spend at the same time about the same amount of energy.
- If you have little time, choose to be running, because in order to achieve the same results on foot will have to spend two and a half times longer.
- For those who aims to lose weight fast, running clearly preferable.
- Walking is much safer in terms of injuries and makes fewer demands on your physical fitness.
However, the other day I came across another studyWhich states that if walking with weights on the hands and feet, then at the same time will be spent about the same amount of energy as when running. Start, perhaps, hanging out with dumbbells in your hands? Need to try.