Every self-respecting person has a set of rules, which he holds in order to get rid of the negative effects of alcohol. And, unfortunately, most of them - frank delirium. We decided to look into what tips do help with a hangover, and which is nothing but a myth.
Our previous article on the topic of alcohol it proved to be quite popular. In it, we have focused on how alcohol affects our body and brain, and only slightly touched on the subject of how to get rid of the negative effects. Ways to relieve a hangover is incredibly much. And many of them - frank delirium. For example, eating butter before the process itself, so as not to become intoxicated.
We decided to gather in one place tested and proven ways to deal with a hangover, dividing them into three groups: before, during and after.
In order to feel good the next day after drinking, you need to know when to stop. Not a theoretical limit, and exactly the amount of alcohol drunk that you normally feel. Through trial and error, you probably already know your limit. And for the umpteenth time to make mistakes and break it not worth it. You still will be bad the next day.
Since alcohol enters the stomach and blood, eat before hangouts costs. It is better if the food is hearty, but in moderation. A moderate amount of carbohydrates and fats will slow down the absorption of alcohol into the blood, and thus the body somehow will normalize the process of digestion.
It is believed that alcohol affects more dark colors on the body and strengthens the effects. This is due to the advent of in the process of fermentation of biological components of congeners, which enhance the state of intoxication. StudyConducted in University of Rhode Island, proved that the alcoholic beverage is darker, the stronger it affects the body. Bad news for whiskey lovers. And good for vodka lovers. Probably.
- Remember the upper boundary, after which you will definitely be bad, and do not break it.
- If possible, drink light beverages, such as white wine.
- Eat one hour before the process.
It is desirable to at least mentally divide the amount of alcohol that you drink more evenly throughout the evening and consume it gradually. Mechanics effects of alcohol is that it is gradually removed from the body, and if you do not have time - comes intoxication. For hours, the liver has time to withdraw 45 milliliters of alcohol. Therefore, if you normiruete his arrival, you will be fine today and the next day.
Particular attention should be given to the liquid. During the process, you need to drink a lot of water, but avoid carbonated beverages because the carbon dioxide speeds up the absorption. With regard to water, you can set the upper limit of their own. However, you need to drink at least one liter of water excess, knowing that you will be drinking alcohol. The stronger the dehydration, the worse you will be the next day.
- Drink evenly.
- Drink a few extra glasses of water. If necessary, by force.
If you wake up the next day and feel terrible, it means you did not listen to our advice and the day before, we had great fun. Now I have to get rid of the consequences.
The most logical solution - painkillers. Preferably those which contain paracetamol, as irritating the stomach and aspirin may enhance fatigue and malaise. Washed down with a pain reliever, do not spare the water. One or even two glasses help a dehydrated body to bounce back.
The myth that the best hangover is killed a new portion of alcohol, it is necessary to dispel as soon as possible. Doctors are advised to never consume alcohol for several days after heavy consequences to allow the body to recover. Given the state of health during a hangover, do not follow this advice is difficult.
- Do not try to get rid of a hangover new portion of alcohol - will only get worse.
- Analgesics Paracetamol based on aspirin preferable.
- Water is more important than ever. Drink as much as you can make myself.
Alcohol consumption is associated with dozens of myths and misconceptions. Many of them are presented as a panacea against the negative effects. We decided to dismantle the most popular and, importantly, very bad advice, which we feed.
- Mixing alcohol and energy drinks makes you drunker. Not. Caffeine in drinks, masks the sedative effect of alcohol, forcing you to drink even more.
- Prioritization of drinks is important, and their diversity is important. Not. The amount of alcohol much more importantThan diversity. Malaise that occurs when you change the drink actually comes from the fact that you drink too fast.
- Receiving aspirin or other pills to reduce the risk of alcohol hangover. Not. The effect of painkillers for a long time to pass the time when you will start to get a headache. Take pills to alcohol makes no sense.
- Alcohol kills brain cells. Not. Alcohol is a blow to the dendrites - processes of nerve cells that are responsible for the reaction to external stimuli. Thus, long-term alcohol consumption and poor diet affect the coordination problems.
- Coffee and a hot shower will make you sober. Not. The liver can process a certain amount of alcohol per hour. For hard liquor, this number is 45 milliliters. Coffee and showers do not affect the speed and efficiency of the liver.
- The more to eat before drinking alcohol, the less drunken.Yes and no. Food in the stomach really slows down the process of assimilation of alcohol. However, only in moderation.