There are exercises from back pain, neck, headaches and from pain in the joints of hands and feet, and charging for the eyes. It turns out that for the stomach also has charging and improve digestion, you can not only through proper nutrition and special food supplements. In yoga, there are just exercises that help our digestive system work properly.
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Apanasanu also called asana, which "frees the wind." Knees pressed to his stomach, making a kind of massage your internal organs. Right knee massages ascending colon, While the left is occupied by a massage the descending colon.
To perform this exercise, lie on your back and relax, bend your legs at the knees. On the inhale pull your hands forward and grasp the knees. On the exhale, hug your knees, pinning them to the stomach. Hold this position for 5-10 breaths. You need to breathe deeply. And be careful that you feel comfortable in this asana.
Also, you can hug your knees in turns.
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This asana compresses the rectum. To do it, lie on your back and pull on a breath to his knees. On the exhale, place them to the left of themselves and to the side, his head turn to the right - this is a good stretch for the neck. Hold this position for 5-10 breaths and quietly return to starting position. Repeat the same on the other side. At the same time, take care that the shoulder belt was pressed. In order not to roll from side to side, you can spread out your hands in hand and firmly press it to the floor.
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Balasan - pose child. As Apanasana, it stimulates the digestive system with the help of massage the internal organs.
Lie on your back and push your knees to the stomach. Then Roll onto your right side, using the right hand as a pillow. Breathe in, breathe out and rolled to his knees. Sit so that you feel comfortable, bend forward, resting his forehead on the floor. Hands can make back to the feet or put down in front of his head. Hold this pose for 5-10 breaths. During breaths, try as much as possible to inflate the abdomen.
At the last breath, put your hands so that the palms were under your shoulders and exhale with force press into the floor, helping himself up.
Exercise, of course, does not carry on a full stomach or immediately after meals!