As port of the phone we sleep
Health / / December 19, 2019
You notice that in recent years more and more often you can hear and read about some very crazy things? And those British scientists who say they do it with such a serious look that feel involuntary excitement - if they believe in themselves, they will be able to convince the other. We will not specify any of the other "crazy things" outside the specific topics discussed today. Excess holivar here is not needed. A conversation today about our dreams and phone.
You know, there are people who sincerely talking about what a dream - a waste of time. It is not known where are these conclusions. Perhaps from too carefree life, inaction, or the desire to be heard regardless of the presence of thoughts that are worthy of becoming public. In general, there is a tendency that you and I, in addition to the irregular working hours, it can afford a few more hours stuck in a screen favorite smartphone or tablet to the detriment healthy sleep. However, we have to admit - many people do so. Instead of going to bed a little early and get a good sleep, we look at videos on YouTube, play, sit in social networks. In general, we do anything, but not something that would do well in bed :)
In the case of the phone problem is not only in the wrong time is wasted. All the matter in the light. For thousands and thousands of years our bodies lived in harmony with the light regime in the world. The day gives way to night, and after night comes day. The human body - is a continuous sensor with an inverse response in almost any factor that occurs around, including, and in the presence of light.
George Breinard, a neurologist at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, describes a very clear effect on our world.
The light works as if it were a drug, except that it is not a drug.
Light is directly linked with the development of two very important hormones in our body: melatonin, responsible for going to bed, as well as cortisol, due to which we are day by day are ready for new achievements. Our history we have lived in accordance with the cycle of day / night, and our body reacts to these changes.
It's getting dark, and melatonin makes it possible to have rest. The sun rises, and the increase in cortisol awakens us, charges the body on bouncy day. Only now we do not go to bed, and the blind themselves striking a mobile screen. This light hammer us straight in the eyes, and the body responds accordingly. For him, it is time to act, even if not on a schedule - the light!
Moreover, radiation research LED-screens They say that this is one of the best ways to suppress the production of melatonin. Naturally, we do not doom ourselves to insomnia. All the same, we will anyhow, usnom, only melatonin works not just as a sleep aid, it runs many processes in the complex provides us a sound sleep, rest, proper metabolism and recovery. The next morning we could wake up refreshed and sleep, but that a voluntary game of interrogation by the light of a lamp before going to sleep our body deprived of funds for the organization itself of normal sleep. And yes, obesity and inflammatory processes are also included in the bonus to this rape of natural biorhythms.
Even more sad and hopeless that even allowing himself a night without the bright screen smartphone and tablet, we can not run away from the optimal natural environment. Secure a stay at the very beginning of the day on the sunny meadow, not everyone can. Offices that do not have to.
However, to protect themselves from the smartphone before going to bed we are quite capable. Put it on a charging shelf in a pair of triple meter away from the bed - so that it was impossible to reach it, and then go to bed. In the morning, when you hear the alarm, you have to get up to turn it off. A separation of ourselves from the bed - a key point in the deletion probability knock Service and continue to sleep.