There are in our world such phenomena, which are difficult to say - it is a myth or reality? Because there is no evidence "for", so there is no "cons". For example, the Loch Ness monster, Bigfoot, UFOs - there are plenty of witnesses, photographs and films, but denials or direct evidence scientists do not have, and they continue to look for.
And exactly the same myth exists in the world of sports. For example, Myth №1: many people believe that if you want to burn as much fat, you need to raise your heart rate to the maximum. And you will be to train as long as the sweat starts to pour with your streams.
Truth or myth?
Brendon Keller Digifit company, which specializes in the development of sports applications, explains how to actually running our heart during exercise.
This is actually a myth. If you really want to burn fat effectively, you have to work in the area №2 (60-69% of your heart rate). This zone is the only correct way so as fat - is a slow combustion fuel. Long-term moderate-intensity exercise will help you burn more fat cells, and only after they go to carbohydrates. You can burn more calories at maximum loads, but if you want to lose weight, your salvation - in the second workout of cardio-zone.
No wonder coach running to tell me that the slower the longer you run, the more calories you burn. The speed in this case - does not figure. Therefore, if you want to lose weight - jog or go to the elementary school of steps or aerobics.
Myth №2. The best way to know the state of your heart - is to check how long you will be able to train and how to be able to walk away.
If you lead an active lifestyle with regular exercise, the most appropriate way to check the pulse of the heart will be stopped after 10-15 minutes of vigorous exercise. After the end of training, you immediately have to measure your pulse, and then take another measurement after 2 minutes. If the difference between the two rates is less than 22, then your heart is much older than your age. If 22-52 - the age of your heart the same as your calendar age. If more than 53, then your heart is much younger than your calendar age.
Myth №3. When it comes to heart rate zones, many believe that in fact it is enough reconcile themselves to the average, since they do not deal with the way it is done by a professional athletes.
In fact, the selection of personal cardio-zone is the key to successful training. Defining your personal boundaries will help you not only a more accurate calculation of calorie burning, but also understand exactly what substances you have split in the training - fats, carbohydrates or proteins? I agree that this is very important information. Especially if you are going to lose weight.
As rasschitat their cardio-zone? This will help free application Digifit iCardio for iPhone and Android.
Myth №4.Dlya order to become more resilient, you need to turn your inner Forrest Gump and run as far as possible.
In fact, the best way to train endurance - is aerobic exercise at a constant rate in the area №3 (70-79% of heart rate). It is not necessarily required for the competition every day to run this distance as quickly as possible. Thus, you only increase the likelihood of injury and not their endurance. Once a week like Ladder, of course, it is worth doing. On other days, it is better to run the same distance, but in a slow and constant pace.
Myth №5.Kogda it comes to training your best friend - the monotony. And if you have found a perfect workout, it is better not to experiment and do not mix.
In fact, interval training specifically designed to mix up different exercises and load. If you get stuck on one workout and not very diverse and pamper yourself, try interval training, which is aimed at the same area as your standard. You can choose High Intensity Intercal Training (HIIT) or more specialized Tabata. During Tabata you walk into №5 cardio zone (90-92% of your maximum heart rate), and perform the exercises in the rhythm of 20-60 seconds, alternating exercises with the same intervals of rest. HIIT and Tabata - is a great way to burn calories and diversify your daily workout.