How to learn to be wrung out 100 times: the experience of our readers
Health Ios / / December 19, 2019
This post is written Alexey Taranenko, Chief editor of the best in Ukraine automotive portal AUTOUA. In it he told how to use the self-motivation and the modern technology he had learned to do push-ups much more than what could my entire life!
A few words about my experience, the first iteration of the passage of the "100 push-ups", about which you may have read on, as it did in his time, I am. Behind six weeks and I am ready to share the results and their own experiences. Especially because to love with this program I, before the age of 30 years, never push-ups more than 20 times per set and was the real loser in this matter. And this post in the first place, for the same as I do.
To complete a full six weeks of the program I failed the first time. First, crimson, I eagerly took up the matter, but I do not remember why, broken off. You know how it is like and like and turns, and missed again, missed the other - down the drain. I only remember that the first approach was with a printed piece of paper on the program pinned to the fridge, two years ago.
Last year I tried again, armed this time, the program for the iPhone «100 pushups». Well, I think, with the application for ayfonki exactly should happen. Happiness was close, but in the second week I was faced with an unexpected obstacle - a spasm of blood vessels literally after a few push-ups. I was a child prone to migraines and cost to start push-ups, in the left front part of the head that something is closed and continue to I could not. Moreover, a few hours later the pain did not let go. Again, bummer. By the way, at times it is repeated, if someone faced with a similar and knows how to fight - I will be grateful for your advice.
About three months ago, dolechiv finally serious ankle sprain, I again had begun to engage in sports and resumed his push-ups. Without the program, a number of approaches, "much as I can" after running on orbitrek. So passed about a month, I went to 5x20, and realized that the progress stopped. I decided to return to the program. The app has kindly offered me to start right away with the third week and rushed.
Day after day, when after one, when two, as a busy schedule of business trips are not always allowed to engage in the day. Plus, in parallel I began to use the swimming pool and the first times delayed onset muscle soreness after swimming was such that the push-ups, too, did not give. In general, with minor interruptions, I still took six weeks, but 100 times push-ups are not learned, that's a bummer. This morning, in the final test gave only 50. Which, remember, was enough to offset machine for gymnastics in the CPI and it seemed to me then an incredible achievement.
So, the program - a lie? No hint. I do not particularly something and believe that being honest can Lanky month and a half so much leap forward. And along the way it was clear that progress is not fast enough, the final push in the fifth approach, as a rule, were given with great difficulty, or not given at all. But, dammit, and 50 times - an excellent result for me personally! Especially because I'm not going to stop and have already launched a program to the new, from the third week.
A few tips for those who decide to try:
1. 100 pushups app for iOS cool, I recommend. His most valuable asset - the adaptation to your results. Importantly, do not cheat and honestly enter data to fine-tune it for you. Doing something not for the sake of beautiful graphs (I, for one, never beautiful), but for themselves.
2. Warm up before you start the next day. Trite, but I was convinced by experience that the workout is worth it to spend her spare time, 10-15 minutes.
3. Continuation of the first council - do not give up. Let the third, let the fifth approach to the program - will succeed. And the results will start to grow, giving more positive emotions.
4. Choose the right coating. Not just once or twice I had to do push-ups in hotels with carpet on the floor. More stupid cover for this and not think of his hands are leaving in the direction that prevents monstrous.
5. Ask someone several times to look at you from the side or remove the video to understand what you are doing. We work something for themselves and not for tsiferok.
6. Highlight it a little longer than you might think, looking at an interval of 120, 60 or even 45 seconds. I have rarely been able to do these rest intervals. I admit it was wrong, but choosing between large intervals and the inability to "take" the next approach I chose the former.
7. There is nothing wrong in the fact that you miss a day. I had a week starting on Friday in one part of the world, and the following week ends on Saturday in another. Let six weeks will be the twelve most important because the result and self-esteem.
Hopefully, nothing will prevent me to return in six to eight weeks with a new record and have a three-digit result. And I hope that this post will help someone or to go back to the push-ups.
100 pushups | App Store $ 0,99