Chairs produced batches with the same parameters, the people - no. And still seats has its own charm - some of the parameters can be adjusted, and a person who can not yet adjust its height or leg length, it is possible to adjust the most standard seat under their individual features.
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How to find the ideal height of the chair and do your "sedentary" work a little more comfortable?
Chair is too low can lead to pain in the lower back, tunnel syndrome in the wrist, and tension in the shoulders. Too high chair can lead to what is called a "pain in the elbows golfer" - an inflammation of the inside of the elbow.
How to determine the ideal height of your chair?
When you sit down, your feet should be firmly on the floor, and the angle at the knees should be 90%. Feet should be kept under the table. If you can not free to arrange his feet under the table, so your desktop is too low and should be raised slightly.
If the desktop is too high (it is necessary to raise their hands to work on the keyboard), and you can not replace it with a comfortable, you can slightly raise your desk chair and put his feet under the stand to remain standing on your feet flat surface.