How to eat right if you work a lot
Health / / December 19, 2019
Experience and research has long shown that too much work is harmful. But sometimes it is impossible to work less, and to help the body cope with stress. In this article, we'll show you how to eat and that workaholics need to add in the diet.
When you are working at full capacity, you have to consume more energy than others.
With intense physical exertion people consume more power. Men can burn per day to 4000 calories, women - up to 3000 kcal. The average daily rate up to two times less.
Energy consumption in brainwork rather big people too. If you are constantly intensely concentrate on the job and even worried for the result, only the brain's supply of fuel will go 750-1 100 kcal.
It is natural that when you are working you need to eat more. But one thing is the amount of food does not protect against the main enemy of all working people - chronic fatigue syndrome.
As it is, so as not to burn out at work
Tired of working the body, which is trying to saturate the calories and nutrients like a furnace which melt forgotten. How much wood or enclose, heat will not - need a fire.
The role of the flame body metabolism. When we received the wrong recycle material, the cells just do not get them - hence the feeling frazzled. To minimize it:
- Plan your diet. Spend a couple of hours to calculate how much you need calories and nutrients, find the right products and create a menu for the week. Then you will save so much energy that the time will pay off.
- Eat regularly. Let it be a snack, a sandwich of useful products, but in time. It is not necessary to make a break more than 4-5 hours between meals to replenish.
- Wash down snacks. Without the right amount of liquid nutrients to the cells do not reach. Do not necessarily stick to the norm of 2 liters per day, just drink so much that there have even mild thirst.
- Take your vitamins and minerals in supplements. At high loads of nutrients from food is not enough.
Life hacking for very busy
The best way to normalize your metabolism - a proper rest, adequate exercise and, of course, fresh air. But we promised recipe for workaholics who have no time for it.
No need to pour a liter of stimulants, add energy itself can be a much more natural way.
Qualitative energy transfer in the body is impossible without levocarnitine. This substance, which is close in composition to the vitamins of group B, it is sometimes called vitamin B11.
Its main function - to transfer fatty acids into the cell for the subsequent formation of their energy. When levocarnitine not enough fat is not digested in the right amount, deposited in the tissues, and do not go to the production of energy. As a result, we get tired, lose physical form and can not concentrate.
Norm levocarnitine consumption - 300 mg, as the substance is contained, e.g., 300-400 grams of raw beef. At high loads and nervous tension levocarnitine body's need for increased several times, up to 1 500 mg. Even special meat lovers will not eat as much.
Output is obvious - to add L-carnitine to the diet by using pharmaceutical products, such as "Elkarยป.
research showThat the additional reception of this preparation leads to good results: improves overall health and mood, fatigue recedes, it becomes easier to cope with the anxieties and concentrate.
Here are some more benefits of adding to the diet levocarnitine:
- It speeds up the body's recovery after intense exercise.
- It increases the body's resistance to infections.
- It contributes to the proper operation of the heart muscle.
- It increases the effectiveness and tolerability of a diet aimed at weight reduction.
- It helps to cope with stress.
- Improves digestion.
- Almost no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.
"Elkar" pediatricians are often prescribed as medication promotes harmonious growth and development of children, and specialists in sports medicine to increase stamina and improve achievements in professional sport. For the workaholic, giving their all work, he will be an excellent tool to maintain power.
But before taking the drug, make time in his schedule and consult an expert.