Sometimes it seems to me that all around me there are practically no people with the correct posture beautiful. Yes, and I myself, I do not always follow behind his back and bending the letter "sic". And if you add to this the opening hours at the computer and watching evening TV series waddling on the couch, then we absolutely "oops!"
On posture not only affects man's inner state, but also the condition of the muscles of his back. When you start to play sports, you feel more confident and a little back straightened, shoulders down and neck ceases to resemble the neck neck. But this is not enough. This time I want to offer you an alternative to the standard power exercises for your back - from 4 simple yoga exercises to help stretch and strengthen the back muscles.
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Asana №1. Balasana
Get on your knees, straight arms raised above your head, palms facing each other. Take a deep breath. On the exhale, slowly bend forward, placing a basin on the heels touching the floor and forehead. Hands remain outstretched. In this position, push your palms on the floor. On the inhale slowly return to starting position. Repeat at least 6 times.
Asana №2. Virabhadrasana I
Stand up straight and take a step forward with one foot so that the distance between the feet was about 1.0-1.2 m (distance depends on your height and leg length). On the inhale bend your front leg at the knee and lift the grip in his hands, palms up outside the castle. Gently cave in in the upper back. On the exhale, return to starting position using the power of the bent leg. Repeat at least 6 times and do the same on the other foot.
Asana №3. Pose lizard
Get down on the floor, bend one leg at the knee and sit on her heel, the second leg pull back as if you are sitting on the longitudinal splits, knee looks straight down. Keep the body in an upright position, arms abut the floor on both sides of the bent knee. On the inhale, lift the chest up and forward, reducing shovels and drag the hands down to the floor and slightly back. As you exhale, bend your elbows and lower chest to the thigh of the bent leg. Do this at least 6 times and then repeat the same on the other foot.
Asana №4. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet flat on the floor. Brush locked in a castle with his hands down and put your hands up to the ceiling. Inspiratory feet rest against the floor, lift your hips as high as possible, the chin tends to his chest, back of the neck should be pressed to the floor. On exhalation, return to the original position of the blade pressed against the floor. Repeat at least 6 times.