Physical pain - is that a person regularly experiences throughout life. But the true sensation of pain depends on physical factors? After all, in different situations, people respond to the same stimulus in different ways. It turns out that attitudes and emotions are also crucial. How can you deal with them and what to change in order to increase the pain threshold or do not feel pain?
In spite of the hothouse conditions of life, we are still confronted almost every day with the pain: inflamed tooth, tapping his finger on the cabinet corner, hit mote in the eye with a contact lens. And that's not to mention the occasional injuries, such as "slipped and broke his arm," and all sorts of diseases.
Pain can be fun unless at psychological disorders or when they are associated with pleasant events, but in general they are perceived as something sharply negative. Fortunately, there are ways to cope with the pain without pills and injections, but first it is necessary to delve into the nature of it.
The nature of pain
On the skin and the surfaces of internal organs have nerve endings that are needed to assess the damage to the body. Especially a lot of these endings in the cornea of the eye and the pulp of the tooth, so toothache considered one of the most unbearable.
Typically, the pain is not felt in a particular place, and "bottled" in the vast area. This kind is called protopathic, it is often found in severe injuries and damage to internal organs.
However protopathic pain - is not the only kind. There is also epicritic, which is necessary to quickly conduct the painful sensation and convey accurate information about the size of the lesion. This pain is not particularly strong.
The knowledge of these species and allow to bring the first way to get rid of severe pain.
1. Fight fire
Sounds strange, but it turns out, can help small pain from severe pain. This feature More used two centuries ago when in removing tooth dental assistants pinched patient, diverting it from the main source of sensations. The thing is that epicritic sensitivity can suppress protopathic.
neurophysiologists experiments confirmed that epicritic pain inhibits the excitation of nerve cells by protopathic. As a result, protopathic excitement never reaches the brain, which means that one does not feel much pain.
This can be explained by the fact that when a person experiences pain, for example, from an injury, he bites his lips and bites his nails into his palm. At least, so you can distract yourself to the arrival of the doctor and cauterized.
2. Meaning of pain
The sensation of pain depends on the value that is attached to it. For example, in different cultures, different perceived generic pain: where a woman can last up to work and take care of business and then start it immediately after birth.
In Western cultures, labor pain attaches great importance to, and a woman was originally set up to suffering, because of what they actually experienced during childbirth.
It is proved that the concentration on the pain and waiting several times strengthen them, and hence the following method to avoid pain - try not to pay attention to it and do not give it much importance.
In addition, the pain diminishes, if a person is sure that everything will soon be held. For example, when the study patients were given a placebo tablet, their discomfort decreased. Scientists attribute this to the production of endorphins by the imminent expectation of relief.
3. emotional background
No less important is a person's mood, emotional background that accompanies the pain. This position can be confirmed by medical research G. TO. Becher, who has overseen the perception of the pain of the wounded soldiers during World War II.
The doctor noticed that the wounded soldiers were required less morphine to relieve pain than people in peacetime after surgery. Becher tied it with the emotional state of the person: the soldiers were happy that we stayed in alive, whereas people after surgery, usually pessimistic and easily fall into depression.
Thus, a positive attitude is very important for the perception of pain - one more reason to become optimistic.
4. Self-hypnosis and the mood
A large number of tests and experiments show that attitudes man greatly affect the perception of pain. For example, athletes often do not feel pain in the competition, because all their attention is focused on achieving the ultimate goal - winning.
One study by researchers from Oxford University once again asserts the value of mental factors. The experiment involved 12 students, among whom were Catholics, atheists and agnostics. During the experiment, the participants showed two paintings, "Lady with an Ermine" and "Madonna", written by Sassoferrato, a painter of the XVII century. After showing pictures of the scientists let the electrical discharge.
The experiment showed that the faithful students after viewing "Madonna" feel less pain from the electric discharge than agnostic atheists. In this case, after watching "Lady with an Ermine", all participants felt about the same level of pain.
Thus, the mental state of people of faith who saw the image of her faith, changed that allowed them to feel the pain less. The author of experiment emphasized that the same state can be achieved by meditation.
It can be deduced from this as follows: any mental setup aimed at suppressing pain, it actually suppresses. Such efforts can be prayer, meditation, spirit that there is no pain or it subsides, or even a child method is repeated to himself: "I do not hurt."
If you have your own ways of coping with pain (not medicated), please share in the comments.
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