Truth and myths about yoga
Health / / December 19, 2019
Julia Belluz (Julia Belluz)
American journalist who writes about health and medicine for
In yoga includes combinations of different poses (postures), breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation and relaxation (samyam). But many instructors and add other elements (eg, songs or music). Different types of yoga are very different from each other. Hatha Yoga and Iyengar Yoga mainly consists of stretching and reducing positions, while the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga involves more vigorous exercise. During the lessons yin yoga you hardly sweat, but the "hot yoga" (Bikram Yoga), on the contrary, is held in the premises, warmed to 38-40 ° C.
The problem is that the researchers is difficult to determine exactly how yoga affects the condition of the body. But let everything in order.
1. Can yoga harm?
Probably not, as the scientists say. Although some studies have found those who practiced yoga for a long time, joint problemsYoga and disc degenerative disease in cervical and lumbar spine: an MR imaging-based case control study.
Including kneeYoga is found hazardous to the meniscus for Chinese women. , A clear answer yet.But with some poses still need to be careful. Problems can arise when performing a headstand, shoulder stand, and when trying to start one or both legs behind your head. Also considered traumatic lotus postureAdverse Events Associated with Yoga: A Systematic Review of Published Case Reports and Case Series. . For beginners it is better not to try to repeat the advanced asanas, and people with chronic diseases it is necessary to pre-consult with the doctor.
2. Is it possible to compare yoga to other types of training?
It all depends on the specific form of yoga. If you just lie down and do breathing practices, You are unlikely to build muscles. But, for example, Ashtanga Vinyasa is very similar to other forms of intense exercise.
So look for yourself: if you primarily want to develop aerobic endurance, instead of yoga (or with it) loans jogging or swimming.
3. Is yoga reduces stress and anxiety?
Although it is carried out a lot of talk, researchers still have not come to a definite conclusion. According to Pilkington, Karen (Karen Pilkington) from Westminster University, research is still too small to make a definite opinion.
Besides, when it comes to serious conditions such as anxiety disorder or depression, rather difficult to understand what it has on the patient's positive effect: that is yoga or regular stay in the group and communication. Even if the case in yoga, it is not the only type of exercise that helps to relieve the symptoms of depression - for this you can use any kind of sport.
With regard to reducing stress, tests confirmed that the performance yoga is on the same level as the normal relaxationA randomised comparative trial of yoga and relaxation to reduce stress and anxiety. But inferior stretchingEffect of restorative yoga vs. stretching on diurnal cortisol dynamics and psychosocial outcomes in individuals with the metabolic syndrome. . In general, the results are mixed.
4. Are there any long-term benefit from yoga?
May be. Yet no direct evidence that yoga has a positive effect on the long-term health. The researchers simply have not seen for a long time for those who practices yoga, and did not check whether the less they appear disease than those who are not engaged in yoga.
However, according to data obtained as a result of some tests, yoga can have a positive impact on the quality of life of patients with diabetesComprehensive yogic breathing program improves quality of life in patients with diabetes. Reduce risk factors for cardiovascular diseaseEffects of yoga on cardiovascular disease risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. and even help people with high blood pressureA systematic review and meta-analysis of yoga for hypertension. . This is because it helps to reduce inflammation in the body.
Inflammation is "useful" and "harmful". Useful occurs in response to entering the body of harmful bacteria - is part of the immune system. But when we experience stress, inflammatory response of the body also becomes more active, and it inhibits our ability to resist various diseases. For those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, obese or consume unhealthy foods, the body's increased levels of such harmful inflammation. Yoga (as well as Tai Chi and meditation) helps to reduce this inflammation.
"In order to reduce inflammation in the body, for example, with the help of aerobics, you need to engage very actively. With different yoga all - says Michael Irwin (Michael Irwin) from the University of California at Los AngelesThe Effects of Mind-Body Therapies on the Immune System: Meta-Analysis. . - Even spending a minimum of energy (for example, doing yoga Iyengar), it is possible to achieve significant results. "
5. Does yoga for low back pain?
Yes. Yoga does make it easier backache, With a positive effect persists for a long time. But there are some caveats. Karen Sherman (Karen Sherman), one of the leading researchers of this issue, notes that until now it is unclear whether yoga helps better than other types of physical activity, designed for health waistComparing Yoga, Exercise, and a Self-Care Book for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. .
6. Does yoga develop flexibility and balance?
Studies of this question is not so much. Some controlled trials have confirmed that yoga improves flexibility in youngBikram yoga training and physical fitness in healthy young adults. And the elderlyRandomized, controlled, six-month trial of yoga in healthy seniors. . Another small study conducted among patients after stroke, suggests that yoga has a positive effect on the balance ofPoststroke balance improves with yoga: a pilot study. .
7. Does Yoga digestion and toxins?
This is indicated by many instructors, but there is no scientific evidence for this.
summing up
What we know
Most likely, yoga is also useful for health, as well as many other types of physical activity. It is especially suited for relief of back pain and reduce inflammation in the body. The latter can actually help prevent the development of various diseases. More yoga develops' awareness of their own body "- a sense of what is happening inside our body (this is also an excellent job meditation and Tai Chi).
What we do not know
What types of yoga is best, whether it is necessary to prescribe yoga to people with various diseases, whether yoga is comparable to other types of physical activity. Also, do not prove such alleged advantages of yoga, as a conclusion of toxins and improve digestion.
What does all of this mean
If you like yoga, continue to deal with it. No harm from it, and the health benefits still at least some, be done. Choose the look that you like from a more dynamic Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga to calm hatha yoga. Well, if you do not like yoga, do not worry - go do something else.