It turns out that it was easier to lose weight, need more sleep! However, this law only applies to people who are genetically prone to be overweight.
Scientists conducted the study with twins, full-bodied, and found that if a person is sleeping enough time, it is easier to keep your weight normal.
The studies were conducted by Dr. Nathaniel Watson at the University of Washington. Under his supervision there were 1088 pairs of homozygous and heterozygous twins. The research results were published in the Sleep journal - magazine, which is supported by the American Academy of Sleep. In a study that compared the sleep number of twins and their weight, it became clear that those them who slept more during the night, had a body mass index less than those who slept less.
You will remember that we are talking about people who are prone to entirety, ie, who have a gene that contributes to weight gain. So too short nap (less than 7:00), runs this gene in the work, while long sleep (9 hours or more), greatly reduces the risk of increasing index body weight, for those twins who slept more than 9 hours to effect a genetic predisposition weight was 32%, and for those who sleep less than 7 watches - 70%.
Simply put, the less you sleep, the more your genes will affect your weight is not the best.
Our weight depends on genetic factors, and from as we are struggling with harmful eating habits. Want to lose weight - eat well and sleep more to your weight depended on you, and not from a genetic predisposition.