No excuses: "Exercise!" - an interview with world champion Alexei Obydonnovym
Health Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
52 km / h. This develops the speed on the track four times champion of Russia and world champion Alex Obydonnov. Perhaps this figure would not be so shocking, if not a little "nuance." Alexey has no right hand and the left part.
Alex - a fighter, which is not enough. Was injured at age 14, he gave himself the installation - "Do not think about the big sports." But the sport did not let go. On the difficult path of Alexei to the title of world champion in paravelosporte and its strong character - in this interview.
young child
- Hello, Alex! Thank you that you participate in a special project Layfhakera.
- Hi, Nastya! Always happy.
- Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler said: "Childhood - a time of many questions, possibilities and consequences." What questions do you ask a child, and this has led to what effect?
- I had a reckless childhood. The older I got, the more immersed in the subculture of "youngsters" of the late 1980s - early 1990s.
I'm from a small industrial town in the Moscow region
(Likino-Dulyovo - approx. author). There are a lot of factories. Therefore, all my friends, so to speak, from the proletarian families. Families where the parents are constantly busy with their work and the children are left to themselves. Besides, it was the 1990 th year.The country is falling apart - the adults were not up to our upbringing.
- What are you addicted?
- The only one company, I led the sporting life. I studied somehow. All my interests have been associated exclusively with sports or with your family. In the summer playing for the city football team, and in the winter - for hockey (hockey). I helped my mother in the country and around the house. Money was tailgating.
- And what you wanted to be when you grow up?
- truckers. My father was a chauffeur. But he worked on small machines. And my dreamboat was - big cars, travel.
By the way, this dream miraculously transformed and materialized in my life. When to me there was an accident, I "closed" this dream in my subconscious. And then, in '34, I once rode a bicycle and it dawned on me - because my dream has come true! I traveled halfway around the world, though not a big car and a bicycle. But this reversal of fortune is even more interesting. :)
- You are "close" in the subconscious of this dream. What else do you forbade himself to think after the injury?
- About the big sports. In our town there was a serious team in hockey, coaches and predicted me a good future. I thought I could somehow be realized in this direction.
After an injury had to give up these thoughts, because I knew that thoughts of "unrealized opportunities" - it's a vicious circle from which it is difficult then to get out.
- Where did the 14-year-old so much wisdom?
- psychological background of all this, of course, I realized much later. :)
Where they took a predisposition to do the right conclusions and to behave rationally, I do not know. But it so happened that I was putting myself right mental barriers. That is not to say that I put an end to the sport, but I distanced himself from it, so as not to cause yourself a psychological discomfort.
Probably played an important role age. I was only 14. I did not realize the seriousness of many things. Plus friends have not turned away - received me as before.
I was "lucky" that the tragedy occurred at 14 years instead of three years later.
Then I would have probably asked the question of the future of work, family. Responsibility for their own future would crush me. And so - reckless. I was a child, so the psychological adaptation managed to pass quickly and without major problems.
- And what happened then?
- On my way I began to appear people who have supported and guided in the right direction. One of the first was Svetlana E. Demidova. She was sots.rabotnikom, recognized me, came and said: "You can not get hung up, rest a year from school and then study up 9th and 10th grade and will enter the Russian State Social University. "
She made it clear to me that my future depends on my head and on my desire to live. I took very seriously her words.
- And I did RSSU?
- Yes. There I met another good man. Vasily Zhukov - the rector of this university. Before entering, I got to see him. He told me: "Do not worry - you will take exams on general grounds. In the social and everyday terms you there will be no problems. Everything depends only on you".
With this began the realization that any restrictions are not objective. They are purely subjective. This is purely my ideas about the society and the surrounding reality.
Studying at the University (and I lived for 5 days in the hostel with everything handled himself) instilled confidence in themselves and their abilities. I realized that I could be realized, because I have a mind, will, and the fire in his eyes.
- Are you really going to work the social worker?
- Rather, I realized that this is an initial stage of my adaptation. I've got the knowledge and skills which would later help me to find some way. What? They were thought to go to graduate school or a second degree. But it so happened that, having received the diploma, I remained an employee of the University.
- And what about sports?
- Sport has not left anywhere. As I said, I forbade myself to think about a sports career, but still continued to play sports.
In the 16 years I started bodybuilding. Just there, "Lubero" and bullies have become fashionable. My friends also lit up - we started in the basement of our five-story building. We dug a hole, bring the dumbbells and weights, which were fathers. I came up with myself special equipment - dumbbells tied and "pancakes" to rags, put on his hand, and... I did it. :) It turned out that I can swing the biceps and triceps even, not to mention the legs, press and other parts of the body.
Bodybuilding friends, however, quickly tired. I prozanimalsya them right up to 30 years. It was also a way to assert themselves.
I had the most beautiful legs raskachennyh of all strokes in the city.
- Girls react? :)
- Yes. When doing abdominal exercises in the hall, they came and asked not to breathe so deeply, and then he was getting up to no training. :)
- Why replace the bodybuilding come swimming?
- I began to have health problems. Bodybuilding I worked without a coach - pochityval magazines, listen to the advice of the same self-taught, as I do. No one is in control of my health, either before or after workouts.
In 30 years, I have every day to go to work in Moscow (2.5 hours to 2.5 hours back). After work, I went to the gym. Naturally, it was a large functional load. I felt that the health began to sink: developed heart problems, spine, ligaments.
I understand that I can not go to regular doctors - upekut to the hospital and will be pumped as a decrepit grandfather. Only sports doctors could look at me through the prism of the right and draw objective conclusions. In 2008, I came to the Center for Sports Medicine of the Kursk.
When I crossed the threshold of this institution, my life turned 180 degrees.
Out of Control
- And what happened?
- Not that I was there on his feet, in the clinic, I met another wonderful human, Director Zurab Ordzhonikidze Givievich center, which opened the door for me to a professional sport. At the end of treatment, he called me and said that I have a very strong potential in sports. Only need to select some Paralympic appearance.
- What did you choose?
- The will of fate I got into swimming. I came to the coaches of children's sports school №80 - family couple Alexander and Elena Schelochkovy. They believed in me, even in the age in which I came to them, a little late to start swimming career.
Just six months later, I performed the CCM, a year later - the master of sports, two became the champion of Russia in Moscow relay. I am a fanatical attitude to training, because I realized that this was my chance. I have no time to lose. It is necessary to realize the opportunity that was given.
- How did you get out of the pool at the cycle track?
- In swimming Russian level I reached quickly, but reach mezhdunarodku was unreal. Fierce competition - to enter the national team, you have to be, as a minimum, winner of the World Championship.
At that time we began to develop cycling. From scratch. My body has already adapted to the physical activity. I had a great anaerobic training (bodybuilding) and aerobic endurance (swimming). I appreciated the potential and realized that in a sport where there are no competitors, I have a distinct competitive advantage. The only problem was - to learn to ride a bike.
- You are a child not go?
- Traveled. But I had a break from 14 to 34 years. When I went to my coach Alexei Chunosova, he told me: "The legs you certainly crazy, but how will you go?".
In the world there is no paravelosipedista with similar injuries like mine.
There is one Chinese man, whose hands were amputated on both hands, but two, though, and "inferior" to keep his hands still easier. I nonsense - one hand is not entirely, the second - in part.
First went loose, could not shift gears. In Krylatskoye rowing canal there, along his path, on which coaches accompany the athletes. Chunosov put me on the bike and said: "30 Meters to the end of the direct pedal throw, roll scooter, razverneshsya and back."
- Madness!
- After two weeks of training, I went to the Russian Championship in Orel. :) There was a U-turn on the mountain - the pedal throw was not necessary. But the warm-up before the start, I flew into a ditch. I ran up to traffic police rushed to help. I drove them - God forbid, see the organizers, will be removed from the competition. Fortunately, I came out at the start, finish and took second place.
- You still ride without brakes?
- Bike gradually adapted. I found an American triathlete - Hector Picard. He has a very similar injury. I contacted him. We started with a trainer to learn from its devices. He gave me a lot of valuable advice at an early stage.
- 52 km / h on the track! Not scary?
- In training, when you go to the slopes, there is also 70 and 80 km / h. Maximum I had - 88 km / h. Sometimes, adrenaline rolls over and you catch yourself thinking - "Why?". After all, you can go down slower and safer. But in the race it helps - the adrenaline helps to disconnect from everything extraneous.
Although, of course, paravelosport - quite traumatic sport. Extreme probably just skiing. But there is snow and you can regroup in the fall.
So athletes in cycling - real fighters.
If you're not a fighter in this sport you do not come, and if they come, then quickly soleshsya.
- Therefore, the Russian team at paravelosportu so few people?
- Not only. Now, for example, in the national team, a team of 13 people. It hendbaykery (hand bike), tritsiklisty (tricycles for children with a strong degree of cerebral palsy) and we - the "classics". "Classics" and compete on the track and on the road. Hendy and tritsiklisty - only on the highway. 20 paravelosipedistov - this is probably the ceiling, which will be difficult to break. Because it takes a serious logistical base for cycling.
To gather a group of 5-6 people and provide it with the training process, we need millions (bikes cost from 100,000 to start and up to 500 thousand rubles for serious problems, plus support machine, plus the rate of the coach and the mechanics, the organization year-round training at the training camp and participation in competitions, plus a full velobaza with full box ...). Which of Russian regions ready for such investments?
With the development of the same voyage - no problem. What do I need a swimmer? Pool, swimming trunks and sunglasses. Cycling is much more expensive. To develop the sport incredibly difficult in our country, especially in large quantities. This is not swimming or athletics, where the logistical and organizational investments at times less.
- You want to say that in the West with this things are better?
- In Europe, a huge number of hendbaykerov. On one championship in Germany are declared annually by 150-200 people. They have a different system. High pensions, many good roads, so virtually anyone with disabilities can buy hendbayk and self-training.
- In Russia, there are no roads to exercise?
- Exercise is necessary year-round. This is the first. And secondly, training in Russia will not give me that the level of training that will qualify for the medal. In Europe, there is a possibility within the same workout 1.5 hours to drive across the plain, 1.5 - for a mixed profile, 1.5 - uphill. In Russia, in fact, only the track - there are so many different fields of roads. There Sochi, but there's crazy traffic, there Adygea, but there are broken roads.
- Who pays for training abroad?
- Sponsors. Or rather, is now training process is based on three pillars: the federal level (support from the Ministry), regional (support of the Government of Moscow, for which we stand), and business.
Now we have created the first Russian Paralympic cycling team - it project "Armada". Its general partner - Research and Production Corporation "Uralvagonzavod", we have been cooperating for the third year, and it greatly influenced the success of the team.
We get a working model that allows you to prepare a world-class athletes. Who do not just go to the competition, but bring medals.
- Are you ready for the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro?
- Of course. All for the sake of it. Eighteen months ago, I said - "You will become a champion in Mexico, but do not forget the main goal - 2016". Now, after 3 months of preparation for this competition (2 in Cyprus and 1 in Italy) and the start, you need a little rest. But in June, will begin preparations for the World Cup on the highway, which will be held in August in the United States.
Generally, the schedule is very tight. August 2013 - the World Cup, the highway. February 2014 - World Cup track. August 2014 - the World Cup, the highway. February 2015 - World Cup track. September 2015 - the World Cup, the highway. February 2016 - World Cup track. August 2016 - the Olympic Games.
- You family is seeing at least sometimes?
- a complex topic. I have 2 months was not at home, and the number 1 is already again to leave. When I was at the training camp, the load, such as sulfuric acid, burned in his brain all other thoughts. I say, "Oh! You have been in Italy. " And I was not in Italy, nothing I have not seen - in the morning got up, ate, went to the gym, came and fell into bed, got up, had dinner and went to bed. And so every day.
But his wife is even harder. I have a sport that burns everything, and his wife only bytovuha. Daughter too hard, but for her every visit of Pope - is a holiday.
- Alexei, and it's worth it? Worth sports such victims?
- This is my chance. I can realize myself 200%. I can benefit not only the family but also the country.
- Please give me a farewell Layfhakera readers?
Do not put career and earning money at the forefront. Exercise! I am glad that now many realized how important the sport, what benefits it brings and what horizons open. Therefore, many even after the work is going to the gym. And for those who have not yet realized that buzz, I want to feel it as soon as possible. Sport helps to find a lot of interesting in itself, meet interesting people. I myself went through it.
- Great words! Thanks for the interview, Alex!
- Thank you for your project!