Relieves stress and removes clips from the back: postures for relaxation
Tips Health / / December 19, 2019
12 different exercises every 10 breaths, which perfectly relieve stress and remove the clamps after a long work on the computer, from the instructor yoga and author of The Runner's Guide to Yoga Sage Roundtree.
I have to say, nothing complicated! simple postures to relaxYou and so do unconsciously every morning, even just stretching sweet;)
Exercise № 1
Lie on your back under the shoulder blades - a rolled towel or small pillow. Feet together, knees apart, quiet breathing. To relax for a few minutes.
Exercise № 2
Sitting on the heels, knees and clasp pillow hug her hands. During 10-20 breaths relaxing with head turned to one side. Then you do the same thing on the other side.
Exercise № 3
Remove the pillow, stretch your arms forward and slightly to the side a little wider than shoulder width. Feel the stretch in your hips and shoulders. Take a deep breath, carefully crawled to the other side and back stretch.
Exercise № 4
Kneel, the back is curved upward relaxed neck, hands and knees to firmly abut against the floor, the floor top directed. Cats are experts in relaxation;)
Exercise №5
On a breath sag back, coccyx pulls up, look upwards. Then go back to the previous position in the cat's breath. These alternate the two poses for 10 breaths.
Exercise №6
Kneeling, conclusions arm under him and rests on one shoulder, trying to put more emphasis on the hand closer to the elbow. The head looking to the side, neck posture. You feel like the shoulder stretch.
Exercise № 7
Sitting or kneeling, raise your arms in the castle, palms up. Keep the spine in a neutral position, being careful not to bend to the side or back and forth.
Exercise № 8
From the previous exercise are transferring arms forward, palms in the castle from him, back round face looking down. You should feel tension between the shoulder blades.
Exercise № 9
Hands in the lock behind him, palms inward. Gently straighten his back straightened, and recovered arms slightly back and up.
Exercise № 10
Wraps himself with his left hand behind her waist. His right hand pressed against his left to the side. Ear pulling in the right shoulder. This exercise stretches the left shoulder and the left side of the neck. Then repeat the same on the other side.
Exercise № 11
Again, lie on the floor, but this with straight legs and a pillow, planted under the pelvis. Back and shoulders are on the floor. You should feel like stretching the front of the thigh. Lie on your back for a minute.
Exercise № 12
And the last exercise - move a pillow under your knees and completely relaxes the body for five minutes.
According to Sage, these exercises are great to help get rid of tension and clips in the body after a long time sitting. And yet they are perfectly help remove stress from tired muscles after strength training.
If I did not perform posture cats, cows and cobra after working on the press, the feeling in a day would be extremely unpleasant.