50 Simple Steps to Health
Health / / December 19, 2019
For brain health
Take a deep breath and count to 10
Anger and rage cause headaches. It is even more dangerous than depression or anxiety. Try to pacify their anger, not to pay for his pain.
The diet of the Mediterranean
According to research, people who consume large amounts of mono- and polyunsaturated fats, better at intelligence tests. Sources of such fats: olive oil, butter, cheese, fish.
complete rest
Lack of sleep adversely affects our ability to concentrate, memorize information and to solve intellectual problems.
Less watching TV
"When you watch television, your brain is like lying on a couch. It is not active! "- says David Niven, Ph.D., author of The 100 Simple Secrets of Healthy People. It is better to read or crossword puzzles, so you keep your brain in good shape, and it helps to avoid diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.
Explore the musical instrument
Learning to play a musical instrument helps to quickly memorize words. So you can at the same time to learn a foreign language!
Add cranberries to your diet
Researchers from the University of Massachusetts believes that regular consumption of cranberry may reduce the risk of paralysis. Cranberry, is a source of antioxidants, it protects vessels and helps prevent stroke.
For eye health
Set your computer's monitor correctly
It is known that to prevent eye strain can be, if the monitor is directly in front of you at arm's length. The upper part of the screen should be at eye level. Regularly wipe the monitor to avoid glare. And do not be lazy to adjust the brightness and contrast of the screen as you are comfortable.
Eat an omelet
Eggs and bright fruits and green leafy vegetables contain large amounts of lutein and help fight macular degeneration and cataracts. Of all of these products can make the most different and delicious omelettes.
Dental health
Brush your teeth too vigorously
Those who are too eager to brush their teeth for a long time, can damage the gums and enamel.
Careful with Mouthwash
Rinse freshens breath and prevent tooth decay, but they do not get carried away, but rather think about why you bad breath? This is a signal that the body is something wrong. And instead of rinsing your mouth indefinitely, should see a doctor.
drink tea
Tea inhibits the spread of bacteria that cause tooth decay. Of course, we are talking about this tea in a packetized you are unlikely to find all of these nutrients.
For the health of the neck and shoulders
Keep your phone in your hands
Do not press the phone arm to the ear. This situation constrains the neck muscles, and pinches the vertebrae, causing muscle spasm and pain. Hold the phone in your hand or use the speakerphone.
And, you can learn simple exercises for the neck and shoulder girdle.
For Women's Health
Sleep in the dark
Harvard University conducted a large study entitled "Medical examination of the nurses." During it became clear that the duty nurses who napped in the light, inhibits the production of melatonin - a hormone that inhibits the growth of tumors.
If you do a quick walk only 1-2 hours per week, the risk of getting breast cancer is reduced by 20%. Total 1-2 hours, it's not so much?
Eat fruits and vegetables
Eating lots of vegetables and fruits will help you reduce the risk of ovarian cancer disease.
For heart
Meditation relaxes, you slow down breathing and heart rate. Meditation It helps lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of blood clots.
Drink pomegranate juice
The juice of this colorful fruit high in antioxidants and polyphenols reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, which is one of the main factors causing heart disease.
Appreciate family ties
Warm and caring relationships with parents reduce the risk of heart disease.
Eat soy
To reduce the level of cholesterol in your diet, add tofu and soybeans.
Get a pet
Pet helps get rid of stress, and for the time you spend interacting with your pet, your blood pressure is lowered by 15%.
Try not to get sick with influenza and pneumonia
Spend prevention, strengthen the immune system, warm clothes, do not go to places of mass gatherings during epidemics, do anything to hurt as little as possible flu or pneumonia. From these diseases greatly affected vessels and increased risk of heart disease.
Take the stairs
If you are at least a few times per day, and climb down the stairs, you are seriously support your cardiovascular system and lose a little weight.
for light
Eat an apple a day
Eating at least 5 apples a week, you will substantially improve the performance of their lungs. Apples contain quercetin powerful antioxidant that protects the lungs from the effects caused by cigarette smoke and the general air pollution.
Digestive system
Listen to the slow music during meal time
If you listen to fast music at meal time, and swallow food will be faster, while slow music makes there slowly. At this rate you carefully and avoid foods perezhuote overeatingBecause the time will understand that already filled.
Consume enough calcium
Calcium not only builds strong bones, but also contributes to maintaining colon health as it helps to prevent cancer. So watch out for the balance of calcium and vitamin D.
Everything should be in moderation
Excessive alcohol consumption (about 400 ml of spirits per week for 10 years) seriously knock down the health of your digestive organs. It increases the risk of polyps and colon cancer. At the same time a very moderate use of alcohol can enhance the quality digestive system.
Adjust the dosage of drugs containing antacids
Overreliance on such drugs can cause food allergies and, consequently, problems with digestion.
Take vitamin E
High levels of alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E configuration) reduces the level of stomach and esophageal cancer. However, a balanced diet is rarely a shortage of this vitamin.
And again about coffee
German researchers have found in coffee antioxidant that protects against colon cancer. Avoid caffeine? The decaffeinated coffee also contains these compounds.
to back
Regular performance of stretching the back, shoulders and chest will help you keep your back straight. You will also avoid back pain and take off the excess with a spinal load.
observe the balance
When are carrying a heavy bag, change the shoulder or arm. If you always carry weights in one hand, that over time will cause muscle imbalance, which will grow into chronic diseases of the back and neck.
Do not put your weight on one leg
Pay attention to how you stand. Very often, we move the weight on one leg, holding the side hip and leaning slightly towards him. This posture is the cause of lower back pain. Try to distribute the weight on both legs and tighten the abdomen. So back you will be smooth, and soon you will notice that become more fit.
For muscles and joints
Add the power load
That power loads to help reduce joint pain, which is caused by arthritis, and improve joint function. Good muscle mass protects joints from damage.
Vary your workout
The repetition of the same exercise cycles every day wears out the muscles and reduces the effect of training. Therefore, use different training options.
Learn to keep a balance
If you learn how to balance on one leg, hold the balance by using the voltage of the buttocks and upper leg, the lower your risk of falls. Start with 15 seconds and after a while, try to stand on one foot per minute. Do not forget to squeeze your buttocks and stretch the stomach.
benefits of yoga
Yoga classes are not just pulled your body, but also facilitate the joint pain in hands tunnel syndrome and arthritis.
for immunity
drink kefir
living bioculture contained in kefir strengthen the immune system and prevent penetration infections.
Do not cook vegetables in the microwave
Vegetables cooked in a microwave oven, lose 97% of their antioxidant properties. Eat vegetables raw or cook for a couple.
Do not overdo it with antibacterial soap and detergents
Frequent use of antibacterial soaps and cleaners contributes to the formation of bacteria that are resistant to drugs. A beneficial bacteria that are found on your body, you are killing.
Eat garlic
At the first sign of a cold, eat some garlic, it will help prevent further progression of the disease. Garlic contains compounds which have antibiotic properties, antibacterial and antiviral drugs.
Try to do Tai Chi
It is an ancient Chinese gymnastics (exercises combined with meditation), which can enhance immunity.
Think positively
Unhappy people are at risk of disease is three times more than happy. So during colds should try to look for advantages in every moment.
for the skin
Do not discard the rind
The use of lemon peel, orange and grapefruit reduces the risk of skin cancer by 30%.
Do not abuse the solarium
Beautiful tan and good mood - it's great, but still not get carried away. In the solarium you will get about 15 times more UV than when tanning in the sun.
for bones
swing back
Strong back muscles will protect your spine from damage. If you are at risk of osteoporosis (and especially women), do not forget to make regular exercises on your back. So you reduce the risk of disease is about three times.
Our bones need vitamin K
Vitamin K helps to preserve bone density. Sources of vitamin K: leafy green vegetables, broccoli, vegetable oils.
Add in the diet of foods rich in omega-3
Omega-3 help regulate the mechanisms of calcium absorption. Often eat fish, especially such as salmon. And do not forget to add it to foods rich in calcium.
Try to drink less soft drinks
Most of them contain phosphates, which contribute to the leaching of calcium from the bones.
For legs
Make a pedicure at home
In the salons you can pick up a nasty infection if the tools are not well sterilized. So it is better to do a pedicure at home or carefully chosen interior.
Magnetic insoles - a waste of money
Now popular acupuncture, magnetic insoles. Their price ranges from 130 to 1000 rubles. However, there is no evidence that they actually give lightness legs and help prevent swelling. Better not waste your money on them and buy more comfortable shoes.
And what are you doing on this list?