Vitamins - a marketing ploy or pharmaceutical companies really need to drink?
Tips Health / / December 19, 2019
The last decade the country has captured a real vitamin hysteria. Institute of Nutrition suggests a frightening decline of vitamins and minerals in foods. Drugstore shelves are filled up supermegapolivitaminnymi complexes, promising our hair like Rapunzel, nails like operating a concrete plant, which prevents the concrete by hand, and so much energy, that will be enough for the destruction of three marathon without stop.
Is it so in fact? To drink or not to drink? That is the question... How real is the use of multivitamins and how to enrich pharmaceutical companies selling us the dream of a healthy complexion and a young elastic skin?
I will not go into details. You are all well-read and know, without me, what vitamins.
And most importantly, that we have without these vitamins can not do here. They without us can, and without them we do not.
Another important detail: vitamins are not produced by the body and come from food. And not in the nature of the plant or animal, which would contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and that's We have to beg: Vitamin C extract from oranges and sea buckthorn, vitamin A receiving, picking out the liver of the cod, and so Further.
And here we come to the first interesting point. Do drink a magic pill, which the label states that it contains a daily dose of absolutely all vitamins known to man, or spend a little time, money and stretch your brain to produce balanced diet for a loved one? Can vitamins found in tablets, to completely replace the ones that we can get from food?
Answer: I doubt it.
And it's not in the structure of the vitamin - to reproduce the structure of the molecule is not too difficult.
Vitamins can do without us, but we do not have without them.
The fact that consuming any natural source of vitamins, you get "in the appendage" a number of substances that contribute to the assimilation of this vitamin. Furthermore, the preparation of vitamin with food provides a gradual intake of it and decrease "competition" for absorption and assimilation of the various micronutrients incongruous. Whereas hvatanuv tablet a semi-daily dose of all the vitamins once you get consistent a sharp increase in their concentration in the intestines, then the cells responsible for the suction, and then in bloodstream.
It is, frankly, not very natural and not quite what we expected your body, and from this unexpected gift, he tries to get rid of. Therefore, a significant portion of vitamins of these complexes is not absorbed, and the output we get high quality urine various shades, enriched with vitamins and minerals.
And again, no one manufacturer, especially when it comes to dietary supplements, can not give you a guarantee that it is to create it complied with all of the complex technology, allow to exclude completely antagonize each other vitamins (e.g., calcium is not compatible with the iron while the reception and so Further).
Studying the question of hypovitaminosis, every time comes up against the same phrase in different variations:
Institute of Nutrition conducted a study which showed that in recent years the content of vitamins and minerals in vegetables, fruits, meat, fish dropped sharply. As its starting point the researchers took 1963 and found that since the content of vitamin A in apples and oranges fell by 66%. And now, so that the body received the same amount of retinol as getting our fellow citizens 50 years ago, you have to eat more than one fetus, but three.
I am not questioning the professionalism and competence of the bearded and not professors at the Institute of Nutrition, just by itself is brewing question: why 1963? What apples and oranges were taken? From what villages? What was the methodology? How to calculate the statistical mean value of the total vitamin deficiencies have nearly 150 million people in our country? Just like in the song: "You just believe, and understand then ..."
And by the way... Dentists for decades have not seen scurvy due to vitamin deficiency C, people with night blindness has long ceased to be a brow poles in the evening, and "beriberikayuschih" In the underground somehow it does not occur.
And finally, the third point, which can reflect in good company in the evening, having a drink tea with ginger and eating apples from my grandmother's garden. Are you confident in the quality multivitamin complex, which was come to the pharmacy?
Choice now is huge. In Russia there are more than 200 multivitamin preparations. And dietary supplements can be considered to infinity. For pharmaceutical companies this is a bottomless pit - in different variations and different boxes to produce a multivitamin and mineral complexes. Adding sulfur or selenium, and a new product is ready - get and sign it. Increased dosage of vitamin E - draw a heart on the box, and forward, to the masses. So what is this: a profitable business or a real concern for the patients?
So, it is to drink or not to drink?
- If there is a problem - go to the doctor. For healthy only vitamin D (for children) and folic acid (for pregnant women). For the rest, go and get a ticket for an appointment. Now, by the way, there is an online record, it is very convenient to say.
- If the doctor has revealed poligipo- or vitamin deficiency (by the way, in the International Classification of Diseases X review of such diagnosis is not present), take a multivitamin, prescribed by a doctor, or listen to more one opinion. When proven hypovitaminosis take specific vitamin or a group of essential vitamins (e.g., iron in iron deficiency anemia and so on).
- If the spring arm still reaches for the pharmacy counter, the brain has not yet departed from hibernation and life is not sweet no magic pill, choose the larger complexes proven pharmaceutical companies, preferably with a separate reception in two or even three steps to improve assimilation and eliminate "competitive" interaction components. Year-round reception multivitamin normal healthy person with the "gentlemen's set" in two to three colds a year is not necessary.
- To drink or not to drink - it's up to you. Remember: no one else does not bother and will not disturb your health except you. Do not complain about the low quality of the products and the endemic lack of vitamins - eat well. Minimize and optimize thermal processing products, eat a variety of foods regularly eat seasonal fruits and vegetables and replace white bread and pastries to more useful cereals.
And most importantly, do not self-medicate!