Trailer released continuation of the cult "Shine" - the film "Doctor Sleep"
News Cinema / / December 19, 2019
Studio Warner Bros. He has released the first trailer for the horror film "Doctor Sleep." This is the continuation of "Radiance" Stanley KubrickWhich tells about grown-Dan Torrance - the very boy-clairvoyant, who was the son of the protagonist of the cult picture.
"Doctor Sleep" is based on the eponymous book Stephen King. The story unfolds 40 years after what happened at the "Overlook". Dan is still injured, but the soul is trying to create a semblance of calm. One day he meets a teenager Abroy, which has the same vain as the protagonist. Together they defy the cult whose followers are hunting for the children with supernatural powers.
Dan plays Ewan McGregor ( "on the needle", the first, second and third scenes "Star Wars"), As well as the cult leader acts Rebecca Ferguson (the films "Mission: Impossible," "The greatest showman"). The film's director - Mike Flanagan, who directed the TV series "Haunting" as well as the adaptation of "Game Gerald" by Stephen King.
The world premiere will take place on October 31, 2019. In Russia, it will start to show on 7 November.