7 death-sentences from "Game of Thrones", which you are unlikely to forget
News Cinema / / December 19, 2019
Editorial Layfhakera selected the terrible phrase of the series, from which the blood run cold in his veins. Caution: Spoilers!
1. Shut move! (hold the door)
Most piercing and touching episode revealed the viewer history Hodor - a man who throughout the series spoke only his name. It turned out that the very name "Hodor" is derived from the phrase "Shut door" (original - hold the door). She uttered the World Reed, begging hero to the last to keep the door and not let Wicht get out of the cave three-eyed crow. Their lives to Bran and Hodor allowed world escape prosecution.
2. Nothing you do not know, John Snow
These are the words wild Igritt who loved John Snow, and was killed by an arrow Steward Olli. she first utters the phrase in the second season, when John takes her prisoner. Subsequently, these words were repeated constantly, like a good mockery of the beloved: and they also were the last words of the girl.
3. You're not my son!
This phrase is always scary to hear - especially from his father for a moment before going to kill him with a crossbow as he sits on a chamber-pot. This is about the fourth season, when Tyrion killed his father Tywin Lannister.
4. Mama!
This is the last thing said Robb Stark on the "Red Wedding" series in the third season. Recall that at the time of her in an instant he will be deprived of the bride, the unborn child, and the mother of his life.
5. What we say god of death?
Words best swordsman comes from a free city Braavos. Sirio Trout taught Arya speak god of death "not today", but he was not able to follow this motto, falling in battle with soldiers Cersei.
6. As long as I am your king, treason will not go unpunished
Thus said Geoffrey for a moment before being executed if nothing povinnogo Ned Stark. It is with this murder under the end of the first season was untied real war of Thrones.
7. Drakaris!
This is the last word Missandei who died in King's Landing in fourth episode of the eighth season. This word is a command for the volley-fire dragons. Saying it Missandeya hoped Daenerys destroy the Sears and Eurona Greydzhoya, but the girl was too late to save.
And what phrases from the show sunk into the soul you? Add to the list in the comments.
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