3 reasons to see "Gemini" with Will Smith and 3 reasons not to do so
Educational Program Cinema / / December 19, 2019
On the Russian screens out the new film directed by Ang Lee's "Gemini". The main role in the film takes the audience favorite of Will Smith. And if not accurately, he is played by two characters.
The plot tells the story of an aging mercenary Henry Brogene - the pilot and steep sniper. The hero discovers that the secret services, for which he worked, he cheated, causing not only kill terrorists. Henry wants to understand the true causes of the last order. But he should be sent to the new professional killer - his own young clone.
The film leaves a very mixed feelings. The authors have promoted it as a new stage in the art of filming, providing total immersion. But it seems to have forgotten that the story needs to be interesting in itself.
It really is a technological breakthrough
"Gemini" - the first film shot at 120 frames per second (yes, they have long been not 24), And even in the 4K resolution. This provides unprecedented clarity and smoothness of movement. In combination with advanced technology 3D viewer as if he plunges into action.
In addition, the film delivered excellent fights and chase scenes. The authors tried to avoid too much flicker, and because all the movements look very realistic.
As for the technology, with which managed to rejuvenate Will Smith, it looks even more interesting than the "captain Marvel». After all, here the actor appears in its present age, and young. And at the same facial expression clone does not yield to "the original."
As a result, "Gemini" it seems not just a film, but the real attraction and a triumph of technology. That's just it immediately leads to the first problem.
But half the audience will not see the beauty
Neither in Russia, nor even in the US there is no cinema, which can show the tape is in the form in which it was removed. Only China has the ability to play movies and a frequency of 120 fps, and 4K.
In Russia, most of the sessions are in the simple 2D format. Yes, and with the usual 24 frames per second. It immediately kills a significant part of ideas, the film turns into an ordinary fighter.
Of course, excellent shooting action and a clear picture remain, but nevertheless the "Gemini" too many problems with the plot and dynamics. And cover them only unusual format.
To somehow realize the idea of the authors, will have to go for a session in the format 3D +, where the tape twist at 60 frames per second. This, of course, less than the source code, but still allows you to experience a change in the shooting. Unfortunately, these sessions are more expensive.
Fans are waiting for as many as two Will Smith
Recently one of the users aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes noticedAccording to Rotten Tomatoes, for seven years, Will Smith starred in one film with a "fresh" ratingThat since "Men in black 3"Smith starred in one film with a" fresh "rating. Critics blamed virtually all of his works, including "Gemini".
But legions of fans still watch movies with your favorite actor and quite satisfied with them. "Brightness" set the record views on Netflix, but "Aladdin"Grossed over a billion dollars.
Fans will surely enjoy and "Gemini". There Will Smith plays the traditional role - a tough guy with clear moral principles, which gets into trouble with the success of it is selected.
Enough and shootings, and fights, and, of course, sarcastic brand of humor. Although a joke here often meets Benedict Wong's character, and he is also coming out good.
Generally, all the main actors cope fine. Mary Elizabeth Winstead is turned into a companion of the hero, which is not inferior to his professionalism and Clive Owen are traditionally good at is very suitable for him as a villain.
Complementing all this is the second "Will Smith" - a copy of the young hero. He will appreciate the fans who loved actor ever since "Independence Day." A person created just based on the old Smith's roles.
But the main intrigue of leaked directly on posters
The appearance of a young clone of the protagonist - the most interesting plot twist. To him is supplied throughout the first third of the action: Henry chases a killer in a mask, is not inferior to him in anything.
And the character and his friends trying to figure out who they are haunted, and even what the mysterious Project "Gemini". But if the viewer has seen at least one movie poster, you know that Henry hunts his young counterpart. And those who watched the trailer already know that it is a clone created from his DNA.
And it turns out that the affair, which was so carefully injected, does not cost anything, because the viewer advance understands. This makes the first meeting of the characters dull and banal story of the emergence of clone.
By the end there are a couple of plot twists. Yet they are not so impressive, but their simple and predictable. So do not expect surprises, the whole basis of the authors told in advance.
Action put very cool
Even if you look at the picture of the usual 2D-format, fights, shootings and the chase is impressive. However, they will have to wait for a long time: in the first third, there is virtually no boiling point.
But Henry's first encounter with the twin looks great: chase on motorcycles begins with a long scene shot long shot. Then the director perfectly conveys the dynamics and tension. And frequent installation not spoil the picture. And the use of the bike as a weapon - a great idea.
All subsequent action scenes also good. For example, the camera circles the characters, allowing you to feel the volume of the room where they are fighting. And she choreographed fights deserves the highest praise.
And even the final mass skirmish, despite the darkness, looks very clear and does not allow to get lost in the situation. Besides Will Smith, it is not the first time playing a tough guy, great with a gun, which adds to the entertainment. Each point in the tape, and happy indeed removed very efficiently.
But the rest of the story - a set of clichés
Unfortunately, the authors decided not to make the whole film in one continuous action. Coolest scenes just a few and in between had to endure the most stereotypical dialogues imaginable.
It is doubly surprising that the picture took Ang Lee - creator of "Brokeback mountain"And" Life of Pi ". It seems that the director is able to put great drama without stereotyped conversations and frequent repetition of the same thought. But the main character is constantly talks about the good and patriotism, the villain, of course, is about the common good, and gradually falls in love with the assistant.
To say that the whole drama of the "Gemini" is boring - do not say anything. It is simply a set of standard and already outdated scenes from militants and fiction, forcing just wait until the real action begins.
Perhaps if movie theaters around the world were ready to show "Gemini" in the original format, the impressions of the movie would have been better as part of the process and the truth is very strong.
But I got the usual one-time thriller, where Will Smith plays the typical role in the current realities of the authors. Character clone really not disclosed, the villain plans were commonplace, and the final moral of the importance of the family is taken from virtually anywhere.
And in the end there is a problem: to watch a movie in a cheap format makes no sense, and pay only for the special effects, without a sensible plot somehow unfair.
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