15 facts about the origin and casting kinovselennoy Marvel Iron Man
News Cinema / / December 19, 2019
heroic blockbuster "The Avengers: The Finale" less than two weeks, I came in second place in the list of highest-grossing films in history. Against the backdrop of this success is difficult to imagine that kinovselennaya Marvel was originally one big experiment, the success of which is doubted even producers.
The extent to which the risk was great, why the first shot "Iron Man" and who could play him instead of Robert Downey Jr. said Ivan Talachev, create interesting thread Twitter.
1. Trade begins with an introduction to the tip of Marvel Entertainment, which Kevin Faig, the current head of Marvel Studios, originally not included.
Isaac Perlmutter, head of Marvel Entertainment
Fisted cheapskate, cheapskate with business acumen kite. This business veteran. pic.twitter.com/RHslFchZ11
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
Avi Arad, head of the creative department Marvel
Producer on his head. Rock star. Together with Perlmutter once Marvel rescued from bankruptcy and squeeze competitors out of the company. So loves Spider-Man, that was produced by ALL polnometrazhki, including Homecoming and Spider-Verse
pic.twitter.com/SWbRzHt9sq- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
Kevin Faig
At the time of our history is naachala for Avi Arad bags. Literally.
Today - one of the most influential women in the entertainment industry. And in the world, too, because it can zaspoyleriit you the fourth, fifth and sixth phase MCU immediately. pic.twitter.com/AcTnjC2YH3
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
2. Chapter Marvel repeatedly sued Sony on the revision of the terms of the contract for the sale of the rights to Spider-Man.
For a person who believes every cent (and makes employees feel cold in the winter and sweating in the summer), the most dreadful tragedy in the world was the sale of the rights to Spider-Man Sony. Imagine someone earns money for your character, but gives you a miserable percentage?
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
Perlmutter really going crazy. He repeatedly pleaded with Sony on the revision of the terms of the contract (especially after the first part has earned the world $ 820 million)
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
For the second part, he created a special creative committee that plagued Sony regular meetings on the subject of Peter Parker is obliged in all scenarios to be young heterosexual men, and (I'm not making this up) in any case would not have lost his virginity to 16 years old.
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
3. How much cost it is known to all the Marvel logo.
Once on TV someone called Sony «creators screen Trinitron, Walkman and Spider-Man." Isaac was furious.
Nevertheless, when Avi Arad asked him for $ 80,000 on the very LOGO Marvel, Perlmutter long refused and said, "Yeah, let's draw our guys are free!" pic.twitter.com/G8wGvJ2gYd
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
But while Perlmutter so much afraid of loss (absolutely inevitable in the movie business), I could not run their own film industry. And he said: "We zaymomsya this only if there is no risk for the money and assets."
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
4. Things began to change with the arrival of David Meisel, who found a way to increase revenue from movies and create a film industry without risks.
And then as head of the operational department came David Meisel - a modest, but a business, a businessman, but a fan of comic books. After some time he came to Perlmutter with a real bomb:
- What if we can get more than 5% of each film co fees under our license?
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
Meisel read a long speech to the Board of Directors, said that the film about the characters should do those who love these characters and know what parts of their stories may be of interest to viewers.
This, of course, not have any effect.
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
The answer was: "You're not Spielberg, so the entire company, we can not put a cancer for your kinofantazy. Come up with a way to pull this off without any risk - write, otherwise - leave me alone already lifted. "
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
5. The starting amount for your very own film included four films.
The final agreement with Perlmutter was as follows: if the year Meyzel find $ 500 million provided by the company on conditions without any risk, the Marvel and be will start to make a movie.
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
Almost a year later Meyzel received from Merrill Lynch Bank loan of $ 525 million dollars. Under the terms of the agreement Marvel could shoot them anything with two conditions: the film must be the age rating of PG-13 and a budget of less than $ 165 million.
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
The main fear Perlmutter - damages and losses - was overcome wonderfully.
According to the agreement, if the plan fails Meyzela and Marvel will not be able to return 525 million, will go to the bank... the film rights to the characters that and so will not need Marvel after this fiasco.
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
That is, the studio had four film-attempt. If all four go into the milk, then Marvel without any losses in the finance or the rights will revert to drawing comics and selling toys. The only thing - she will never be able to make films about their heroes.
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
6. For the role of Iron Man Tom Cruise watched.
Rights to Ironman then for some great luck belonged to New Line Cinema. Tom Cruise was interested in the role, because of this work was almost paralyzed on the film. No other studio to cast not want to, but Tom was not in a hurry to turn interest in the signature on the contract.
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
In addition, the head of the studio did not know who needs a hero, always clad in a flying iron suit with a mask. "What is this nonsense? As steel body can fly "- said Bob Shaye.
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
7. Marvel had to break the "Hollywood etiquette" to reclaim the Iron Man.
In Marvel waited until the option to Iron Man from New Line has expired and just have not signed the extension of the rights of New Line. Legally, it was impossible to find fault, but it was a clear violation of the "Hollywood of etiquette." New Line were just furious but could not do anything.
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
In the end, after much discussion and debate has been assembled kinolaynap Kinovselennoy original Marvel: the first four films will be devoted to Captain America, Thor, Iron Man and the Hulk.
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
8. With which of the four planned films start, chosen children.
Nobody, however, did not know with whom to start
To answer this question, the studio collect a focus group of people of different ages, genders and races. Marvel also collected preschool age children and showed them the arts heroes talked about superpowers and weapons, and then asked, "What kind of toy you want?"
Answer children: pic.twitter.com/4347wZ4MRC
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
9. The fee of the actor who played Rhodey in the first film about Iron Man, was more than Robert Downey Jr..
A fact which is hard to believe until now:
Terrence Howard has received for the first "ZHCH" most actors: $ 3.5 million. Downey Jr. got a million less. Howard hiring studio was confident that the formulation gives the severity and status. Oh, and irony. pic.twitter.com/l58cNZKo4z
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
10. For the second film, Howard asked for even more quickly and lost the role.
Looking ahead: for suddenly draw plans sequel "ZHCH" Howard asked for $ 5 million. It will be replaced by Don Cheadle at such a rate that people will be surprised that he even once played Rowdy.
Fantastic, of course, the inability to read the situation and comments on the first film.
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
11. Iron Man could become Colin Farrell and Patrick Dempsey.
Initially considered for the role of Tony, Colin Farrell and Patrick Dempsey. On the candidacy of Robert Downey Jr. insisted Faig, explaining the choice of the fact that only a former drug addict and an alcoholic is able to convincingly play a man with a zoo inner demons. pic.twitter.com/AMNKTco6h8
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
As a result, Robert went on trial in a suit and tried to play Tony. History has preserved these video samples (see. below), but has not kept a photo Marvel management entities. According to rumors, the contract was signed right after the "stop!". A beautiful legend, but hard to believe.https://t.co/eogivZFh4y
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
12. Villain in the first "Iron Man" was to be the Mandarin, but we saw it only in the third film.
Initially, the villain was supposed to be Mandarin. But Perlmutter learned that filming in China will cost an additional $ 10-20 million, so we decided to do Jeff Bridges as Obadiah Stane.
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
13. The scene after the credits of the first "Iron Man" was invented exactly Kevin Faig, who had just started to climb up the career ladder.
It Faig invented to insert after the credits of the first "Iron Man" scene in which Tony meets Nick Fury, who reveals to him the mystery of some "great universe" and the initiative "The Avengers"
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
14. Outlooks on charges of "Iron Man" in the United States accounted for only about $ 100 million.
The Marvel is very experienced. Combo of four attempts did not want to start with a miss. Internal forecasts the studio, however, pointed to the approximate fees in the United States about $ 100 million.
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
What a surprise it was the studio bosses after the film has collected this amount in the first weekend. Home total fees amounted to more than 300 million, and together with the world's nearly 600.
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
15. The enormous success of the painting brought Downey Jr. and director Jon Favreau on the new car as a gift for their efforts and diligence.
Meisel asked Perlmutter, is it possible to give Downey Jr. and Favreau on the car (Bentley and Mercedes, respectively) as a gift for their efforts and diligence.
Perlmutter permitted.
- Pierre DE Cello Baum-Banulleaux (@rodoss) May 3, 2019
By the way, if you do not know, Jon Favreau played the role of Happy, guard Tony Stark. He participated in all the films about the Iron Man, and returned to the role in "Spider-Man" with Tom Holland and "Finale".
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