Laser vision correction: everything you need to know about the operation
Health / / December 19, 2019
I have vision problems, really necessarily need an operation?
Vision problems - this is a very broad concept. There are some conditions in which it is impossible to do without surgery - for example, a cataract. With many problems you can live with and without optics eye surgery.
Myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia and astigmatism (together referred to as refractive error) - This condition is corrected by glasses or contact lenses if they satisfy your needs. But many people they bring a lot of inconvenience: glasses alter the appearance of their lenses fog up and distort the space frame and needs to be changed to select a dress, they interfere with the exercise. Finally, high-quality glasses and lenses are not cheap and require constant care and attention.
In the same time laser correction - a great way to correct vision. Laser - a tool that you can use it in different ways and to carry out operations that are very different from each other. And when you consider that the lasers are different too, it becomes clear: almost every case it is possible to choose the method, which is suitable better than the rest.
The different methods of laser correction?
There are three generations of laser vision correction methods. Let's start with the most modern and most gentle on the eyes.
femtosecond laser generates a small lens in the cornea (lentikulu) are laser correction method ReLEX SMILE. Three-dimensional modeling of the lens takes 26 seconds, and then take out through lentikulu minimum (of 2 mm) the tunnel in the cornea. After that, the eye begins to properly refract and focus images on the retina.
SMILE - the most gentle micro-invasive procedure, after which the surface of the cornea is not injuredLaser eye surgery and lens surgery. Saved its biomechanical properties and decreases the likelihood of dry eye syndrome. Sometimes this is the only possible way of laser vision correction for people with thin corneas, as well as for those who play sports and lead an active lifestyle.
LASIK (LASIK) or its variant Femto-LASIK (femto LASIK)
This operation, during which using a microkeratome (mechanical arrangement of the blade) or a femtosecond laser flap is formed in the form of "caps" of the surface layers of the cornea. This flap is lifted, and then another type of laser - excimer - evaporated corneal tissue volume necessary to obtain new optical properties of the eye. Then the "cap" is returned to its original location.
Femtolazer helps perform all manipulations with high precision. Technology with a lid-flap appeared over 20 years agoA Patients' Guide to Excimer Laser Refractive Surgery. and to develop SMILE method was the most common type of laser correction.
One of the oldest methods of correction. When it is removed the epithelium (outer layer of the eye) to reach the cornea and evaporate the desired amount of tissue with an excimer laserPhotorefractive Keratectomy Eye Surgery. . There are several varieties of such an operation: trans-PRK, LASEK or epiLASIK. The only difference is how to remove the epithelium - laser or manually.
Previously, these methods are used in patients with thin corneas. However, removal of the epithelium - and painful unsafe procedure, it affects a large number of nerve endings and destroys the outer limiting membrane of the cornea. Plus, only that it is not necessary to form a "cap", so the corneal biomechanical strength is maintained. To date ReLEX SMILE preferable technology: the same advantages can be achieved with fewer injuries.
It's safe?
Technology ReLEX SMILE appeared in 2007, to date, this method throughout the world operated on more than one million patients, and their number is growing.
for LASIK surgery techniques make more than twenty years, it can help to cure more than 15 million people. This proven methodology, although it has its contraindicationsPhotorefractive (laser) surgery for the correction of refractive errors. . Femto-LASIK - a method that has improved of LASIK, and ReLEX SMILE allowed to perform the correction of the most gentle way. According to the results of the first long-term studiesFive-year results of Small Incision Lenticule Extraction. It is safe and effective.
I find it hard to decide on the operation, I'm afraid
Many people can not tolerate even the idea to touch the eye or something to do with it. Because of this fear, refuse to wear contact lenses, even if they are in some cases more important than points. Therefore, the fact of their operation is particularly frightening. But laser correction in such fear - one of the best ways to regain vision.
Firstly, the operations are carried out quickly. It depends on the technology, but usually the whole process takes no more than 20 minutes (the time of human presence in the operating room).
Secondly, in the case of experiences worth paying attention to SMILE: it is carried out more quickly, of course intervention - only 26 seconds, it is completely painless and she has the shortest recovery period. After correction in the eye for some time may appear unpleasant sensations, but after operation SMILE they pass through a couple of hours. The patient returns to his usual life the next day. It should overcome their fear in a few minutes to see well again.
How it goes? What if I blink?
eye surgery technology has long worked out so that the patients can not afford to hurt. Of course, no one makes an effort of will to keep your eyes open: there are special arrangements for this, which is fixed forever. No sharp instruments: everything tidy and comfortable. In addition, if you are experiencing, in the clinic SMILE EYES :) Augenklinik Moskau during preparation for surgery offers soft sedatives, as well as the newest gadget NuCalmNuCalm. to relieve stress.
All necessary tests are carried out before the appointment of laser correction, lifestyle changes before surgery do not need (Except that you may be asked to take off for a week or two before surgery contact lenses), and the post-operative period is short and easy.
They say a lot of side optical effects after these operations
This was true for lasers 15-20 years ago. Their principle of operation is obsolete and the current correction methods produce high-quality view. Recommendations are always individual: before surgery the patient undergoes a comprehensive diagnostic testing and to discuss the risks with your surgeon. In most cases, the optical effects are by themselves in a few weeks or monthsShort-sightedness (myopia) .Treatment. .
In step SMILE quality of vision after correction immediately noticeable, and it gradually improved.
Laser almost does not injure the cornea - because very small incision, the overall impact on the stability of corneal tissues is minimal. This means that after the intervention of the eyes heal quickly, the patient will not have to worry about a possible displacement of the flap, which is formed when the technologies LASIK and Femto-LASIK, reduce the risk of ectasia (a condition in which the cornea changes shape).
Another plus correction ReLEX SMILE - reducing the likelihood of development of dry eye syndrome compared with other methods, because it is not damaged nerve endings in the cornea with such technologySmall Incision Lenticule Extraction. .
But then I can not do this operation?
Any medical intervention there is a contraindicationShort-sightedness (myopia) .Treatment. , Even such gentle as SMILE. The main contraindication for any kind of laser correction - this is a sick cornea implicitly or explicitly, the so-called keratoconus. In this case, using other correction methods.
Other common contraindications:
- Laser correction is not recommended to do 18, because at this time the eye can grow.
- Certain chronic diseases such as diabetes, immunodeficiency, a number of other diseases (in exacerbation).
- Pregnancy and lactation - temporary contraindications, ie, after the child's birth and complete feeding women may undergo a correction.
- Some eye diseases such as cataract, require a different type of intervention.
Even if the anatomical features of the eye do not allow for laser vision correction, there are other effective and accurate method that will get rid of glasses and contact lenses. Find out exactly what procedure is right for you will help specialists of the clinic SMILE EYES :) Augenklinik Moskau after a comprehensive diagnosis.
Why Clinic SMILE EYES :)?
Because SMILE EYES :) Augenklinik Moskau - Moscow branch SMILE EYES :) holding - at the moment the greatest experience of operations carried out by ReLEX SMILE technology. Patients have the opportunity to perform the vision correction Professor Walter seconds - the creator and developer SMILE methodology, which first held a laser correction. See how he talks about Professor Segundo operation benefits:
Ophthalmology Center is part of an international holding company SMILE EYES :), which consists of 12 branches in Germany, Austria and Moscow. All centers work according to German standards and technologies. The main operating surgeon is a doctor of medical sciences, Professor Shilov Tatiana. The annual number of patients operated on by it - more than 4 000 people with various ophthalmic diseases.
Each eye is unique, so the clinic SMILE EYES :) Augenklinik Moskau personal use approach method and carefully selected to patients, which is best suitable for the treatment of a specific case.
In procedures there are contraindications. Consult an expert.