8 myths about health, which spoil your summer
Health / / December 19, 2019
In the country and in the village a lot of danger: you can put a splinter, burned on skewers or burn in the sun. Check with service physicians for online consultations SmartMedWhy it is not necessary to smear his back sour cream and apply to the wound plantain.
Myth № 1. If anoint a burn sour cream or butter, let it be
Let's start with the favorite tools of our grandmothers, which they may have worked. But then it turned out that the damage from the sour cream and butter so much more than good.
Scientists have come to grips with this issue and found that of all the folk remedies for burns can be usedA review of first aid treatments for burn injuries only 2-15 ° C cold running water. But the butter and sour cream is better to leave the kitchen. They retain heat and can bring harmful bacteria in the wound. This can slow down the healing of burns.
If the burn is large and strongly hurts, do not self-medicate, and immediately contact a doctor.
Myth № 2. If we apply plantain to the wound, it will heal
By itself, really has a plantainEffects of Plantago lanceolata L. extract on full-thickness excisional wound healing in a mouse model anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial properties. That's just the experts advise to use a cream based on it, and not to disrupt the very grass: it may be dirt and germs. If they get into the wound, the infection can begin.
Even if you have carefully washed the sheet, it does not mean that they can rub the wound. Plants can absorb harmful chemicals and gases. Therefore, plantain, torn from the road can be dangerous.
Myth № 3. You need to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, but in the heat - even more
In fact, the fluid need as much as your body requires. Each has its own norm, and it makes no sense to force everyone to drink eight glasses of it.
If you force yourself to drink plenty of water, you can earn intoxicationWhat happens if you drink too much water? water. Because of this, a headache, nausea, vomiting and weakness. Too much water in the body can also be aCan You Drink Too Much Water? cause brain swelling, seizures, and coma.
Myth № 4. To remove a tick, it is necessary to anoint it with oil or gasoline
Oil or gasoline only scare the tick - he starts to choke and release even more saliva into the blood. When he dies, and may even vomit the intestinal contents.
Much better to gently pull the tick with tweezers, but beware: there is a risk to damage the proboscis, which then remain in the skin. If the first attempt was unsuccessful, it is necessary to see a doctor.
Myth № 5. When poisoning should drink a glass of water with salt or potassium permanganate to induce vomiting
First, wash the stomach with the poisoning is not always possible. For example, in case of poisoning with acids or alkalis contained in household products and cosmetics, this can not be doneHow to wash out the stomach in cases of poisoning in the home. Or if the output is bloody or black vomit, and people fainted. This can lead to burn the mucous membrane of the esophagus and cause internal bleeding.
Second, doctors advise at home to wash the stomach with clean water only. Medicines, herbs, potassium permanganate and any other additional funds should not use without doctor's permission.
Myth № 6. Dark skin do not need a SPF-protection
People with dark skin actually less likely to be burned by the sun, but it does not mean that the protection of SPF-they do not need.
Excessive exposure to sunlight has a negative impact on the skin, eyes and immune system. Burn - not the worst thing that can be obtained, under the scorching rays. WHO reportsUltraviolet radiation (UV)That over the past decade, the incidence of skin cancer growth was due precisely to outdoor recreation. So SPF-protection is necessary in any case.
Surfing the solarium also did not make the skin less susceptible to UV radiation. Not a single authoritative medical resources there is no information that tanning is somehow helps to prevent burns. UV radiation in solaria as well as solar, increasesIndoor Tanning: The Risks of Ultraviolet Rays the risk of developing skin cancer. Therefore, during the procedure you need to use a special cream or lotion.
Myth № 7. Wounds heal faster when you swim in the sea water
Only one bathing the wound does not heal, but it can fester. Swimming increases the risk of carry infection. Whether or not the sea water: bacteria have any. So from a swim in the ponds and the pool is better to refrainHow soon can I go swimming after surgery?.
Myth № 8. To stop a nosebleed, you need to throw back his head back
When you lie down or recline your head back, blood enters the throat. It's worse than if she had just emerged from the nose. So you swallow the blood, which can causeNosebleed (Epistaxis) stomach irritation and vomiting.
It is necessary, on the contrary, sit up straight and bendNosebleeds slightly forward. Then pinch the thumb and forefinger of both nostrils. So you would put pressure on the nasal septum and stop the bleeding.
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