Why you should definitely try to go dancing
Sport And Fitness Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
Sports clubs can offer a lot of dance styles, but before opting for something specific, you need to understand that you are waiting for, and whether you have contraindications.
How to start
Standard set: a strip of plastic, belly dancing, Latin American social (salsa, bachata, mamba, Kizomba) and classical dances (rumba, cha-cha-cha, jive, samba), broadway, jazz, funk, hip-hop and Contemporary. In addition to dance areas include dance step (step-choreography, or step-dancing) and aerobic dance.
Typically, classes are divided into levels of difficulty: for beginners and advanced level. First, let's try an easier option and see if you fit this load or you can do better.
In addition to standard classes there are the so-called preparatory to help master the basic elements and brush up (or remember) elements of classical choreography - ballet body and Port de Bras.
If you still feel the benefits of dance training questionable offer you interesting facts, backed up by research.
Facts and research about the benefits of dance
Fact № 1. Muscular effort and breathing rate dancers participating in the competition are equivalent to those same parameters swimmers, cyclists, runners and Olympic level, the speakers at a distance of 800 m.
Fact № 2. During the dance the best joints lubricated, which is a good prevention of arthritis.
Fact № 3. One minute dance depending on the intensity of your workout you burn from 5 to 10 kcal. Swing and mambo burn more calories than a slow waltz.
Fact № 4. Dancing helps our body to control lipids. As a result, this increases the level of "good" cholesterol and decreases the amount of blood "bad". Also, this kind of activity will be good for diabetics as it helps to control blood sugar levels.
Fact № 5. Dancing improves memory, causing us to remember complex steps, which are then combined into a whole bunch. Load so that our brain time to be bored, and at the same time to get rid of excess centimeters we develop mental abilities. This allows you to save a fast response and helps our minds to stay young, flexible and open.
Fact № 6. Hold the balance in a static position is quite simple. Another thing, when you have to freeze for a split second in the most improbable positions. Dancing strengthen the stabilizing muscles and help prevent injuries in everyday life. In addition, this type of physical activity improves coordination and reflexes - it's a great way to keep the central and peripheral nervous system in good shape.
Fact № 7. The physical form of elderly people who attend dance classes, three times better than that of those involved in the standard program maintenance of health for seniors. For the study participants were recruited 57 to 65 years of age. Some of them are engaged by a dance program (salsa, bachata, merengue, and so on) for 4 months, twice a week (hour classes). The rest were standard program of physical activity for seniors. At the end of the experiment were carried out tests, as a result of which it became clear that the dance group surpassed the physical condition of their opponents with the regular program activities.
Fact № 8. Dancing can be regarded as a cure for depression and anxiety. AnalysisEffects of dance movement therapy and dance on health-related psychological outcomes: A meta-analysis. 27 studies devoted to dance, showed that dancing is really possible to prescribe to people suffering from depression and excessive anxiety.
Fact № 9. Tango can be equated to meditation. In one study,Argentine tango dance compared to mindfulness meditation and a waiting-list control: a randomised trial for treating depression. compared physical and psychological condition of the volunteers to practice meditation, and the subjects involved in the tango. As a result, researchers concluded that both types of activity helps to combat depression, but more tango and lowers stress levels.
examples of training
Port de Bras
Jazz funk
Tap dance choreography
Dance aerobics
Samba (solo)
Strip of plastic
Belly dance
Personal experience
I always liked to dance. As a child, I tried not to miss a single competition in ballroom dancing and watched them with her grandmother. But to get on these sessions did not work for several reasons, which to me did not depend. As a substitute for a teenager was selected sports aerobics. At university, I continued training in team sports aerobics. And even if it were not exactly dancing, but still!
After graduation, I tried as far as possible to attend all sessions, attended by elements of dance (step aerobics, zumba, dance-mix, and so on). Due to the busy schedule turned out badly, and go to the Latin dances would not make sense without a pair. Then I did not know that Latina is such a thing as a solo performance.
Most interesting is that all these things I have learned in the most simple sports club. Accidentally wandered into the classroom for Latina, in which a girl trainer incendiary cheered his group: "Come on, girls! Work your hips! I am sure you will teach, and in the spring we all go out dancing in the park! "Ignore her clear voice was hard, and I decided to try.
Then there was the first attempt of the classical latin. She was given a much more complicated than social. Smooth knees, chest forward, elongated neck, straight back, and at the same time drawn the abdomen, sudden fast movements, which immediately replaced by pauses and smooth, think "you plebeians, one I'm the queen" - all this was given to me pretty difficult. But I still decided to pursue the case (perhaps to the parquet).
Then I changed the club after his trainer on dances, and already there for classes of latin jazz-funk added and Contemporary, as well as classes in choreography (body-ballet). I used to think that such different styles of dance will only interfere. I will start to get confused and not be able to bring to mind that, for what came from. It turned out that it does not prevent, but rather helps me to evolve in different directions, and to improve their dancing skills.
Gradually accustomed to the power and dance classes added and stretching force yoga. When it became clear that I find it difficult to keep the body toned and in full control of all parts of the body to clear movements for some accidents and a half minutes (the length of a standard bunch), the coach sent me on TRX.
It turned out that I was going to a dance, and got a lot of other skills. My body finally began to develop harmoniously, without any distortions. I stopped hurting back and hands (working at the computer and typing in a large quantity). For back pain and neck left headache, greatly improved posture. I ceased to feel dizzy after three quick turns.
But all of the above - it is not important.
Dancing is not just reveal the physical abilities of the body. They show the beauty and harmony of movements. Taught to be gracious, to feel your body, to accept and love him.
Dancing - this is an incredible treatment! Even if you're going to engage in a terrible mood, with every bit of music, it will disappear and after some 10 minutes from irritability, sadness and stress will be over.
Latina - this flirtation (cha-cha-cha and jive), passion (samba) and tenderness (rumba). Jazz-funk - an explosion of positive emotions and light silliness. Contemporary - it is almost a theatrical performance, which allows movements to express all the emotions from happy to negative. Strip plastic helps liberated, eliminates the complex, teaches sensuality and sexuality.
And never say that dancing - it's too easy and that they will never replace "real" exercise. Just go to one of the classes, for example, to simulate the art basic step cha-cha, samba or acrobatic elements kontemporari. Believe me, after that you will get sick these muscles, the existence of which you never knew existed. ;)