Whether cubes are press effort: the revelation of the lucky owners of six-pack
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
So cubes press - your dream. But are you ready for the fact that for the sake of the ribbed belly have to sacrifice not only the time it will go to training, but also in general completely change their lifestyle?
I think we all remember advertising magic electrodes can pump you press cubes, while you sit on the couch and enjoy your favorite TV shows or movies? So, no pacemaker does not give you a muscular relief. Can try to attach the device to your language and charge your taste buds as well as the soon you will have to enjoy the rice cakes, looking at them all 50 sweet and shades salty.
Work on the relief pressure - is not just a visit to a sports club and twisting. It's hard work, giving up their traditional way of life and, one might even say, a certain sacrifice. Some guys are more fortunate. thanks genesTo provide a visible relief to them enough not to miss a workout and limit the use of fast carbohydrates. But those who are lucky to heredity is slightly smaller, and they are the majority, have to sweat. Sometimes the training takes so much time, it's time to burn them in the time work.
The myth of the appeal
For some reason, most often to the question "Why do you press cubes?" Answer "to please women." But are you sure that every girl is obliged to plop into a swoon with delight at the sight of your bare-chested?
author of the article had a very unscientific survey of 100 women, and the answers are not quite in line with expectations. Only 2% lady visible cubes press are an obligatory attribute of attractive men. Only 21% of women said that the prince on a white horse must have a flat stomach, and 77% of all in awe of men like Will Ferrell (Will Ferrell). The first survey took place in an attractive face, then walked personality, visible muscles and press into cubes appeared in fifth place. Here is such an amusing unscientific opinion poll turned out.
If you want to attract female attention his muscles, better Work on biceps. For their demonstration does not need to be killed in the gym, sitting on a strict diet and to undress to the waist. According to a survey conducted at the University of Western Illinois (Western Illinois University), the sexiest muscle men women find the biceps and then press.
Complete abstinence from alcohol
This is just one option when you have to choose a six-pack of beer, or a six-pack stomach. Because if you will be the first, the second is clearly not.
37-year-old David Kimmerle (David Kimmerle), a model professional, says that he has the right to only 20 alcoholic beverages per year, or about one in 18 days. If he drinking, he does not work.
Food - it's just fuel and nothing more
Ben Carpenter (Ben Carpenter), trainer and fitness model from Oxford, England, before each photo session weeks of sitting on a strict diet. It is very hard, as always hungry.
The same makes and Jino Kakkavale (Gino Caccavale), the coach of New York. Here is his photo.
According to him, he had already given up the idea that food should be tasty.
Spencer Nadolsky (Spencer Nadolsky), family doctor and bodybuilder from Virginia to constantly turn off your nose, not to respond to odors that come from cookies and candy lying in his office.
can not stop
All these men to get the results that you see in the photo, not just sit on a strict diet and completely give up alcohol, but also have to train like maniacs. Training for them - an ongoing process. No breaks, no vacations. For example, Kimmerle trains 10 hours a week: here is to work with the weight and running at 57 km. A Kakkavale workout consists of 500 repetitions of exercises for the press. Probably most visitors gym does not so much in a week.
So, it turns out you have or not, you have to try and find time for sports. Even at night, even at 5 am, even at lunchtime, but you just have to train, otherwise you can wave your pen cubes on her belly.
Progress achieved very laborious work
The more you exercise, than getting closer to its goal - the visible cubes press, the slower the fat begins to melt at stomach.
A study conducted in 2005 and published in the Journal of Theoretical Biology, showed that there is a maximum rate of loss of fat before your body starts to burn muscle. This means that you need to disperse your metabolism, but not too far if you want to fix the result.
Cubes of the press - are super and have nothing to do with a healthy lifestyle
Obesity is an illness - and has long proved its negative impact on the human body. But in fact raised cubes press, too, do not carry a lot of health. Of course, in pursuit of a flat stomach you start to play sports, and will pass on a healthy diet, which is positive impact on your state of health, but getting rid of the last centimeters will bring a positive effect on the whole not.
Stephen Power (Stephen Power), trainer and fitness model from London, laments the fact that he has not only constantly limit yourself to food and spend a lot of time in the gym, but also refuses to meet friends.
And finally, the most offensive: your cubes often remain hidden under clothing
Yes, you have cubes press. And they can not just touch, but also to see with the naked eye... but most of the time they are hidden from others. Will not you take off a T-shirt every time find yourself in the room, right?
At night, all cats are gray, and the guys with diced press in T-shirts and sweaters are all the more just guys with a flat stomach.
Among my circle guys with really a relief press - is the coaches, but it's their job. They practically live in the room and therefore do not perform special feats. The rest - just guys with beautiful flat stomach, active, purposeful and enjoy life.
Published BBFilmes January 10, 2016