The history of cross-reader injuries or run Happiness
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Following my article Happiness run or lessons from the strange running injuriesIn which I told his story in pictures of injuries, there was an incredibly interesting comment to our readers max serduk. We give it almost no change in the response format.
When I started to run - I had a harsh edge, no special experience in cyclic loads, lack of proper footwear. But it was just and untainted desire to move. And it dragged on.
The result, like Ironman Slava - an extremely ambiguous.
Of course, it was possible to learn the top ten in the cycle - it's wonderful. This gave a minus fifty kilograms and a half years, the normal hardening and vascular pumping perfectly restarted brain. But because of the negative moments - also went to the initial stage of inflammation of the periosteum (Glory-style), and then - heel fasciitis. Fasciitis - is a vile thing, it usually precedes the emergence of heel spurs. In the US, it is called "heel cop" - due to the fact that this disease are particularly vulnerable to fat patrol cops. Developing this stuff from that man can not adequately pay off cyclical impact load on the heel when walking or running. And the main reason here - weight and the complete absence of an optimal technique of running.
I had just started without much experience, and shoes. As a result, after 600 kilometers, unpretentious original cross - ubilis final.
Heel pain - time has passed from a constant, especially in the morning during the first steps. Running, of course, stopped. I, of course, at this point - have learned the correct formulation of legs while running, tried all the best options for unloading the heel. But, no matter how desirable, is now running - turned out to be absolutely contraindicated.
And I went to the doctors. Some said - help contrasting packs. Others - prescribed expensive vitamins with omega-3. Third special prescribed anti-inflammatory drug, which I then was diagnosed with heart problems - terrible relentless severity, and everything is very gloomy. It seems that now it just never run. And nobody nothing special help. Gradually I began to stalk former weight, started to leave the old tone.
But as time passed, the body gradually brought himself up. I have studied many options and running techniques. Fortunately, there are lots of text materials and videos on YouTube. Revised the outlook on the load, as such, severely kerf in the correct approach to a specialized running shoes. Knew best - the enemy of the good, and you need to run a moderate. You should not force yourself - for the sake of Laika, a thumbs-up or a mega-results. And the vaunted omega-three - is any product based on the banal fish oil, which in bulk at any drugstore.
And, once again, I realized that everything is good only moderate. One day, back in your favorite climbed crosses NB 860 - and ran again. At first timidly and gradually. Then - as usual as before. And, with a lump in the throat, I understood very well what he felt Glory after the rehabilitation of the damaged leg.
And also - almost cried.
But we are all for what? It is very important to feel the moment when Training amateur suddenly turns into a sport - and inevitably begin to injury. It is important to realize that it is not necessary to run for someone or something - stupidly straining all their natures of huskies and the opportunity to prove his toughness to anyone else. Or neglect good shoes as a tool, running in with anything.
It's simple: run exclusively for pleasure, not for ticks, without breaking and without doing violence to themselves, with a full understanding of the theory and practice. Do this in cycles.
And all should be well.