The best fitness tips on the 2015 version Layfhakera
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Today, a healthy lifestyle is extremely popular. And because we do not stop to tell you how to eat right and exercise. In this collection - the top ten fitness tips 2015.
In the new year - a new approach to nutrition
In the New Year's Eve, we all hope that life will go in a new way in the next year. Proper nutrition - an important factor, which has almost the biggest impact on our well-being, and, consequently, on the other spheres of life. But here so go and change your eating habits do not succeed each: prevent doubts and fears. To cope with the most important of them will help tips Layfhakera.
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Review of popular theories of healthy nutrition
If you read a few books about healthy eating, you can come to the conclusion that bad everything. Is wheat and high pH - the main causes of excess weight? Is it true that yogurt is better milk, vegetables should be eaten raw, and the meat and sugar is better excluded from the diet? Nastya Rainbow debunks the myths of popular books about healthy eating.
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Tips for those who want to lose weight
If your main fitness goal is weight loss, then you absolutely know how important it is to find the easiest way to the cherished goal. Using tips Bayandina Julia, you'll be able to achieve the desired, while spending a minimum of effort.
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Tips for those who, on the contrary, wants to gain weight
If women often dream to lose weight, some men lean physique seems a curse. Perhaps the body like Arnie, for you is no easy task, but an acceptable amount of gain quality mass you are quite capable of Sergei Suyagina advice.
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If you have a healthy lifestyle, a synonym of hard labor
Sometimes fitness tips may seem too harsh, and the achievements of athletes - absolutely inaccessible to mere mortals. But not be so difficult to form, as it seems! Just do not forget that a little better than nothing. Read our article about inspiring a moderate approach to HLS.
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Tips for those who have almost put on a cross
Hate sports? Understand. :) But we all know that the health and productivity of your favorite laptop physical activity is needed. Start to engage in sports through do not want to help councils Dmitry Gorchakov.
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Proper start workouts
In order to feel more confident in the gym, it is necessary to have an idea even about the basic concepts. Alexander Murakhovski helps to understand what a database is and why it is the foundation of all the exercises in the gym.
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Himself coach
The best motivation for sports - a visible result, to achieve that requires a competent training program. Create it yourself, Irina knows Baranska. Take advantage of her advice before going to the gym.
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Guides on nutrition for those who play sports
It is given lots of advice about what to eat or not eat. But no less important mealtimes. Especially if you lead an active lifestyle. Anastasia Pivovarova detail about the intricacies nutrient timing - Power scheme in which it is important what kind of nutrients in what quantities and at what time did the body.
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Fitness without the mistakes of the past
Sports medicine, biomechanics and other related science does not stand still. Some of the fundamental theses of the training in the new year should take a fresh look. It will help in this article Andrew Petersburg.
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