OFFICE street workout: exercise, without departing from the workplace
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
We are missing the excellent practical guidelines from Yuri Balabanov (and you, too, we know), but today our guru symbiosis of life and sport has pleased us with a new stunning text. Why stunning? Very simply, we sit too much, we almost fused with an office chair, and this guide will tell you how to turn this thing into a chair effective simulator!
Let us recall the words of the post "How I combined this fucking routine with him and his goals."
How many hours a day you need to deal with street workout? This question is meaningless, because it merged with the world around you, you suddenly find that every minute of your life is the "street workout": whether you're sitting in a chair in front of computers; Do briquettes coal pull each; Whether you are standing in a queue in front of the cashier at the supermarket; Whether lying on the couch in front of a TV set; Does racing running shoes "health trail".
As part of that story Yuri promised to tell us about the computer (office) chair, which can be train knees, push-ups, using the armrests, as a board, and swing press, not looking up from the screen monitor. A promise he kept. Read, memorize, we try. Go.
One, two, THREE - Freeze! STATIC - is also SPORT
I recently came across a article in LayfhakereIn which a doctor dove tells why it is so important to sit at a computer with a straight back. Article controversial because straight back - something quite unnatural. So I decided to share the experience, as I sit at the computer, how to use a seat with armrests - it does not matter, it is a garden chair or office chair, and how I manage to work for six hours in a row without leaving monitor.
Within six hours of "right" is not usidish: too much load on the spine, feet numb, and the most dangerous - disrupted the process of lymph flow, causing headaches and swollen face. A swollen face - a "Bryl" to forty years, if not sooner.
There is an option - every thirty minutes to get up from the table and do the "industrial gymnastics." Well, if you can not break away from the text, fearing the loss of the idea? Or if each output from the working room is transformed into a real cigarette break with a cigarette in his mouth? So force yourself to work, fidgeting on the fifth point, and drawing in his legs, like a schoolboy on prodlonke. By the way, orzanie and "neusidka" - a normal reaction of a healthy body to an unnatural posture for a man "sitting in the chair." But it is possible in an instant remedy the situation, turning a chair in sports equipment. And all this - without leaving your computer, and continuing to work.
If I have to sit up for a long time work, every 30 minutes, I am doing compound exercises "Operations street workout." So, sedentary work can be a good warm up for the six hours! This complex is not only distract you from routine and amuse your colleagues (if you work in an office, not home), but also strengthen the muscles of the back, arms, legs, abdominals and tighten the neck muscles and normalizes lymph flow. These exercises, in conjunction with a full-fledged sport, will allow you to not have any wrinkles on the neck and face to keep on our toes to fifty years and beyond. I know this because in the photos I'm fifty-three.
By the way, the photos I made in a neutral place. If you connect the imagination, in my empty white table imaginable books, folders with papers, laptop or computer monitor; and instead of a garden chair to put any other, in particular an office chair.
Once again: Operations street workout is not a substitute for active sport. This is just a set of measures to help in the case if, for one reason or another it is impossible to break away from work.
1. We rely on the arms of the chair, as the boards for push-ups, take out the fifth point of the soft seat and put it on the seat leg (heel separated from "the land"). And let the people whose weight crosses over eighty kilos, do not say that they can not do it. Just hold tight the arms and legs alternately place - first one, then the other, and everything will turn out.
Now you are sitting on their haunches while continuing to rely on the arms, and thus removing excess stress to the knee. Athletes in the weight category above eighty kilograms may stand in this position by continuing to chastise the text from the screen. Those who are self-confident, take your hands from the armrests and simultaneously lifted to the priest does not rest in the heel. The back is straightened, and palm plants to the head. Please note that my heels detached from the "land": I balance on the toes.
Congratulations. You have taken the famous static position in which none of the gymnast not survive more than a quarter of an hour. Try it, maybe you will be able to hold out longer - then get into the Guinness Book of Records. But to raise the tone is more than enough and three minutes.
In this exercise, as in all others, watch face. Facial muscles should be completely relaxed, Mouth open, jaw and in any case not compressed to the "gnashing of teeth". The fact that static electricity of all muscles of the body leads to involuntary lifting muscles of the face and neck. Our task - not to interfere with his facial expressions that natural "face lift".
2. Now again we omit the arms on the armrests, and the "fifth point" - on the heels. Athletes in the weight category above eighty newly connected to the process. Expand your knees and straighten your back. Calf and thigh muscles are very tense. This pose strengthens the menisci and protects them from injury for injured meniscus, not because we have to jump and run, and because during the jump and any lift-off, weak muscles and ligaments do not hold the knee joint, creating knee gap. Meniscus - a lining in the joints between the bones - "hip" and "shin". The gap of the knee allows the femur "swung" peck on the pad. Of course, it is, after all, tear or crack! That is why the meniscus tidy static, not moving. But! Do not do this exercise if your meniscus already injured. For information on how to restore the injured meniscus, I'll tell apart.
By the way, on my right knee visible trace of the operation. A left knee, which were also damaged meniscus, I saved without surgery. Doktorá said that to sit, I can not ever.
Do not forget to draw hands on the arms of the chair, thus removing the excessive load on the knee. In this "rack" too, can continue to operate. For example, report the text from the screen.
3. Gently sit down on the heel, and then pull forward the free foot. Do not forget to remove the excessive load on the knee, leaning on the arms of the chair with your hands! We hold the pose as long as possible. My friend, a rather stout woman, holding this position for two minutes without any difficulty. Fat people often have a phenomenal flexibility and endurance.
4. The following exercise is for "advanced". In addition to all it requires full support on the chair. As the experience of my friends for several years engaged in office-street workout, armrests firm, not "left", office chairs can withstand the weight of 80 kilograms. Anyway, Do not do this exercise if you are not confident in their abilities, in their weight and in their chairs!
So, slightly shifts the chair away from the table, especially if it is a computer, and his hands on the armrests, as the boards for the push-ups. Now slowly raise the fifth point of the seat and torn off a foot from the floor, pulling the bent knees to his chest. (At this point you will feel that your face is not relaxed and strained due to internal static electricity.) It remains only to straighten your knees so that the calves are parallel to the planchette table:
5. Thirty seconds later raise legs even higher, almost pulling back. You lose your balance - you will support the back of the chair. Together, these two exercises do not last more than 40 seconds. Develop abdominal muscles, strength of will and a sense of humor, especially at your work colleagues.
After the full range of stand up from his chair and burst out laughing heartily and pull to remove the remains of static electricity. Only one reservation concerning any exercise:
body movement and breath - two completely separate processes.
Never, under any circumstances, do not hold your breath during exercise on the static and in moments of extreme stress, and do not obey the rhythm of your breathing rhythm of movement. Otherwise, the age of fifty, you can "earn" a stroke. Sounds rather tartly, but, alas, the case.
Of course, the office-street workout is not limited to these five exercises. Be creative health, inventing something different.
Those who are patient and read up to this point, open the most important secret:
Any chair or stool - our enemies, because he himself sitting in the process they have historically not provided by the human body. But all of the above exercise - no matter how far you have progressed in their performance, give you an opportunity to "make friends" with a chair or armchair. Interfering in the energy space of these objects, we we reveal their essence; we cease to refer to the seat, as a banal "backup for the asses." Once this happens, instead of having to take away your energy, these things begin helping you.
Tale in which items to help good, good people, not fancy fruit. It is a reality, based on the knowledge of our ancestors energy ties Man and Things. Thing can slowly kill you and can give strength and youth. As strange as it may sound in our pragmatic age, it is very important to make friends with the things that surround us. In the next posts I will talk about how to get in tune with some of the objects, in theory robs us vitality.
Wishing success to all - strong and weak, thin and complete, Yuri Balabanov.
A compilation of all my articles on Layfhakere here.