Movember - Challenge of Layfhakera until the New Year or #movemberlh
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
If after reading the written below you decide to join our Challenge, all of your questions leave your comments and achievements lay in Instagram, Facebook, Twitter with the hashtag #movemberlh.
Every step of real movement is more important than a dozen programs.
Karl Marx
The third season of the series of my healthy lifestyle ended heppiendom. What started 2.5 years ago and It continued a year laterA month ago, was successfully completed in Barcelona. At that moment I even agreed to be mysteriously clumsy Spanish «Usted es un hombre de hierro» instead classic «You are an Ironman!» in English, after 10+ hours of sport a row driven to madness who anything. However, the month of the special procedures to restore the fat folds from the creators of "all inclusive" and "Cake in the City" was more than enough. I was brought back to life, and here I am already planning a three-partner on a new, fourth season.
In the yard in five, and I have five. The degrees and kilograms. The first still all right, the second to me, not only does not go, but also to leave voluntarily, too, is not going anywhere. This easy life circle around the waist at the farm I could not come in handy. Salvation drowning - the mouths of saturated fat does not swallow.
My good old hackers! Since I'll stay here in your school life for some time fizruki (TV did not look, from the general to Nagiyev only hairstyle and glasses (8)), then let's have a little Challenge!
By myself I know how hard it is to make the first step, and if after that the legs are not buckled, the second is followed by inertia. Seen from the reaction to my result in Barcelona (Editor's note: the total time of a full-distance Ironman 10:00 43 minutes - very cool for a novice with little experience in triathlon) That many are interested in something like that. Like and I would like to change something, but often without a group of like-minded spark new life on Monday goes out on Tuesday.
We solve problems locally as they come, but I suggest to think globally. Therefore, we divide our task into three parts. Speaking of the second and third parts of the back after the first, if it will be waiting for success:
Level 1, the start. Movember / motivember - eight weeks get in shape for the New Year.
2nd, advanced level. Strike while the iron on the spot - Season 1.5 to 1/2 Ironman.
Third level, Lance Armstrong. 2.5 season until complete Ironman.
If the tags # zudlentyaya, divannyevoyska #, # and # shirokayakost ayavotnemogubezsladkogo empty phrase for you, then welcome aboard. If not, then you pobudet, as usual, in the role of theoretical critics in the comments. But then, as usual, without any feedback, so that no offense.
As you know (or you can google), Movember - this November, a month to attract attention to the problem prostate cancer in men by a mustache, charity, dvizhuhi different, and in our case - sports. We support a large army office clerks that start with a favorite. Since November, say three times "NO" to a sedentary lifestyle, makes us old people! Sitting in the XXI century - is the new smoking.
In general, the secret of our success is based on three (no whales or turtles - we, vegans, people sensitive) factors. Diet, sports and motivation.
Subject bulk, therefore, as in the university, summary of our all.
Diets different needs, different diet are important. Arrange holivar principles of healthy eating, the brain vegan and paleo-shmaleo - it does not need me or you.
Here are two words to remember who wants to lose weight: glycemic index. I will not be long and tedious to talk about it. Let it be for you homework. Print out a sign, and the products with the index above 60 the most excluded from the diet. The closer the index is to 100, the less you have to buy / consume it.
Download the table for print
Remember, weight loss begins in the store! About the other basics of a healthy diet (drink plenty of water, eat every three hours in small portions, do not eat at night, do not drink alcohol, and so on. D.) I myself have more than once or twice seen articles on Layfhakere.
If the weight is still not moving, that is, reinforced concrete means - counting calories and writing. By acquaintances, tosch-mothers, friends, companions looks like a sect, but in summer it is not you are wrapped in all sorts of handkerchiefs on the beach or shapeless shorts to the knees, muttering about fashion. You will need diligence to find out what how many calories. As we have to live within our means, and the body does not have to get into debt, consuming more than he needs for a healthy life. To be successful in the fight against excess weight on the course of a lifetime knowledge from growing in the body fat, and in this issue - the legs to become one of the most useful.
As a starting point in the amount of the daily requirement of calories we take 2000 - this is the averaged figure at the now recognized by modern standards and institutions as recommended for the average person on the planet Land. And as a calorie deficit, we will create by means of physical activity.
Tediousness is held in high esteem - to weigh everything in the balance. Themselves, including, but on others. Everyday. (. Yes, downright each) mobilization of willpower needed - to keep his mouth shut for the evening. The latter is perhaps the most difficult. Indeed, with the onset of cold weather clothes were added at us folds seen less, and in general it is a sweater, not fat, plus up to summer more oh, how far have time to lose weight, once in my life because we live!
To do this, and I need, with his living example and not entirely silent reproach. He's able to, can, and I can! Exactly my thoughts before the driving test - verified to be working. It is impossible to abandon all harmful fell swoop? But you usually want everything at once! You want to wake up Schwarzenegger after the first workout - muscle pain still there. And once without eating at night, to see in the morning in the mirror cubes press. Is the feeling of hunger, and all this for nothing? Neet, guys, this will not work. We are a cram too much more than one day, and the body is also not started overnight. It is a long and laborious work, so dear citizens alcoholics, hooligans, parasites who want to work today?
If willpower is not as pumped as the power pohomyachit in the refrigerator overnight, then, of course, will have to make concessions and to cultivate it gradually. Make yourself a list of the specific weaknesses of your / vkusnyashek with whom you are going to fight, and the stages of implementation. For example, give up one thing at the beginning of each following week. All the better to hold out for three days, "hunger" and break away to complete at a grandmother Charlotte.
All of us are not without sin. Black bread with sunflower seeds in unreasonable amounts, baby cereal morning (sorry, kids), sob :( and biscuits - now I've got you to virtually no secrets left. Okay, okay, Barbariska also in the furnace!
Consider these two months as the local battle against your fat, hoping in its depths to find in you a fan of healthy lifestyles. But keep in mind that in fact it is part of a global conspiracy against the old habits in the fight for a new coming to the target I-Maine.
The off-season - this is not the time to set the intensity of the records. It's time to lay the base and work on technique. On his plan for the off-season, I will write in future editions of the show "hudey himself and let others lose weight." Here again, no holivarov the type "who is stronger: Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee." It's not even a question of fact. Time has proven that at least on the internet Chuck has no equal. Everyone is doing what he wants. But if it is done with an eye to plan B, which is half Ironman in late 2015, it is necessary to begin with a swim.
Useful navigation while no one has yet come up with anything - from Nordic walking to postpone retirement. I should now immediately began to work with a trainer. Year occupation by the book Total Immersion gave me, of course, a lot. Previously, I did not have anything, and now I have nothing dorgayuschiysya eyes. But seriously, then this teaching puts great body position in the water and learn to swim in the rasslabone, but you can forget about speed. On the other hand, the first to show the coach just over a month before the race, we did not start his already from the beginning, and from honing the details that led to excellent results: the pure pace of Garmin 4 kilometers of swimming - 1: 50/100 m.
Besides the obvious advantages of this sport, swimming for the parent is an excellent occasion to spend time together with their offspring. Organize children's coach him out of the same pool and feel free to use this time for his workout at the adjacent track, until prospective blacksmith talents working with him. Better for it just fit the weekend - taxis active, rather than Oblomov-style. And the child is bound to say thank you for it twice, pulling on the jersey in the locker room immediately after a workout with a folder and pulling gidrik in the first transit cell 30 years later.
Gym is especially good in the winter for several reasons. The weather does not whisper, but his versatility is hard to overestimate.
Undecided (k) bike athletes to enter the winter to buy is not a hand, so to begin with two group lessons bodibayka a week will put you on the desired track.
Second, the general physical preparation (GPP) - is rowing, CrossFit, Trx, in the end, and trainers themselves - all that lies close to my heart. Although the "lies" is better is replaced by "running" for greater motivation.
Thirdly, to run on the track - it is also a great option, although it does not look like such at first glance. After all, everything in time, if you are a family man and work, really only one way. Do morning double workout. So, running or jogging + PCE + led (only without fanaticism here, please), led / PFD. Plus the fact that it's there and those "Brick" that turn runners / cyclists in triathletes - dual training, which prepare the body for the race in real conditions. I otpahal the morning and all day free. 10:00 total per week and order.
But please, no excuses in the style of "I'm a night owl, I can not get up early" - at me from such "arguments" have a headache. This tells you the "wide bone syndrome" - the desire to dump everything in a force majeure, you are not independent. Far beyond the examples do not have to walk. I myself '33 considered himself boned owl. We'll have to get up every day at 6 am, and to do so you will begin to easily have a week of commercials from the second or third, if you trite to go to 10-11 pm.
And most importantly - voice and visualize the goal of joining our movement: I want the New Year a new body, a thin bone, Angelina Jolie (underline)! Padlock on snacks, and dzhankfud treshachki, crosses his feet - and forward, to the best of eight weeks for your body, 3-2-1!
Charging is on!
If after reading the above, you have decided to join our Challenge, all of your questions leave your comments and achievements lay in Instagram, Facebook, Twitter with the hashtag #movemberlh.