How to learn to be wrung out and catch up with the help of negative reps
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
If you are not amenable to some sort of exercise, such as push-ups or pull-out of this situation, there is a very interesting way - to try to perform it vice versa. However, negatives need to perform properly, only then will a lot about them.
Any exercise consists of three phases: the eccentric, static and concentric. During the eccentric phase the muscles are stretched when lowering or releasing weight. During the static you linger at a certain point with a weight on a certain amount of time, the muscles are immobile, but tense. Concentric phase - it's just work the muscles during exercise time: squeezing rod from the chest up, rise during squats or push-ups and so on.
The essence of the negatives is to eliminate all the stages except the eccentric. That is, you have to lower the weight limit, and the more he is, the more effective the exercise.
For example, you find it difficult to perform push-ups. If you leave only the eccentric phase, you will be constantly lower the body down from the position of straps, not push up.
As negatives develop strength
When you do push-ups, that is pushing the body up, your muscles perform a concentric contraction, muscle cells contract. The same thing happens when you are trying to catch up or lift a heavy weight on the floor.
When you lower the weight (or yourself) to occur eccentric contraction: muscle try to remain in a reduced state, while they stretch. Despite the fact that it is almost the same work, but in the opposite direction, the load gets higher and more cells become damaged.
It would seem that it's not a very good argument for the promotion of negative repetitions, as after the implementation of such exercise muscles will hurt much more, but the damage to the muscle fibers during exercise - a natural process. After restoring muscle mass will increase as your strength. That's why this training method is so popular among bodybuilders and weightlifters.
Exercises that can be performed with negative reps
If you are unable to lift the weight or your body up, you should have enough forces for its slow, controlled descent. The same can be said of the push-ups: If you find it difficult to push yourself up, move down, even with the extra weight on your back, you certainly can.
1. pull
Negative pulling can be performed in a special simulator - gravitrone or on a low horizontal bar (you have to get your feet to the ground). In the embodiment with the horizontal bar you will need to take a leap into the top position and then moving up very slowly for 45 seconds, lower the body until the elbows fully extended.
Negative pull on the bar
Working with gravitronom
2. Push ups
With push-ups work the same technique as with the pull-ups. If you can not push the body up from the bottom position in the push-ups, you will surely be able to lift themselves up from a prone position. As slowly as possible completely sank to the floor with a starting position and as soon as your stomach touches the floor, back and knees, not at the bar. Some specially added to the weight on his back.