How to create a training plan. Overview of sources
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Renat Shagabutdinov He sent us an excellent material on how to prepare for the cross-country competition. We can not share this invaluable information!
This article will tell about Renat major books and online resources that can help make your training plan and prepare well for your first marathon or other important competitions in I run.
I began to prepare for the first marathon without a plan, running in his spare time. The result was abysmal - the race was given to me very hard. Those who could run at a good pace the entire distance, seemed to be people from another planet, but it turned out simply to a similar result regularly follow the training plan, which includes a variety of training, rather than monotonous run 10-20 kilometers in a comfortable pace. Systematic training gives very fast and impressive result compared to the haphazard races.
Your First Marathon
On the eve of the first marathon I, like any beginner, one fear is replaced by another. How to create a training plan? How to run per week? Do I need a very long training? And in the process of preparation of the questions were many. Answers, I drew from other books published at that time, but they have not always been targeted at simple finish in the marathon, without looking at the result, and this is exactly what you need for the first test.
This book will be enough to get answers to most questions, plan, prepare and finish a marathon. It does not have to seek out useful information from conflicting reports forums and try to choose a suitable plan from several books.
The award winning and experienced Grete Waitz explains why you need to run and says that marathon - is not so much physical suffering and pain as vivid emotional experience that can forever change a life. And he answers to the main questions that arise in the future marathoner.
What book? In order to successfully prepare for their first marathon without big mistakes. And then, changed forever and ill marathon running (this will happen almost certainly not doubt), it will be possible to improve the results (for this useful other books, such as "From the 800 meters before the marathon ").
This book motivates, and trains. After reading I was so impressed by the benefit that bears a run for health, that a few days later ran 15 kilometers in a single run - at that time it was a record! If you want your friend became interested in running (or to its easy hobby turned into a passion), give him this book - it is checked to be working.
In the first part of the book a great popularizer jogging Arthur Lydiard explains how to run a class affect health and why running better push-ups, gym and doctors of medicine. For lovers of jogging different level training programs have to compete at a distance of 10 to 21 kilometers.
The second part of the book is devoted to the run: exercise physiology, different types of training, warm-up and cool-down the importance, selection of clothing and footwear, nutrition and hydration, injuries and their treatment. For this section, you will come back on a regular basis - the book can be used as a desk and refer to it when you have any questions during training.
Training programs are for different distances, different ages and for men and women, girls and boys. There are programs and crossover runs, and steeplechase. A marathon plan has a list of recommendations for those new to the marathon - they help avoid serious mistakes in the first marathon.
What book? For motivation and learning the basics of running in all aspects. Good training plans for beginners and experienced enthusiasts available.
Serious and fundamental book, based on the experience of one of the world's best coaches. It is hardly suitable as a motivational gift to someone who is not carried away by running seriously, unlike the other books of this review. This book is for runners of all levels who want to create your own training plan.
The first part of the book is devoted to the principles of training and physiological responses to exercise, fitness criteria and rules of planning for the season. Daniels describes the main success factors in the race (innate abilities, motivation, opportunity and leadership); basic principles workouts (e.g., specific load gives a specific result, and returns to training decreased with time); parameters characterizing the cardiovascular system, and the way they respond to stress.
In the second part of the book describes the types of training: easy and long running, marathon pace threshold, interval, repeated training. Finally, the third part - improving training plans, and the fourth - plans to prepare for the event (range of distances - in the book's title).
Many runners know the unusual Jack Daniels 'advice' to accelerate, rather than slow down in the marathon, if it became difficult Run ", which is contrary to intuition and common sense, but often works, confirming the wisdom and experience of the great coach.
What book? In order to understand how the body responds to exercise, how to build a training and seasonal plans, in order to successfully participate in the competition that you have planned.
Road running for serious runners
Serious book for serious runners same as the name says. The first part is devoted to the physiology of running: the IPC and the base speed, endurance, heart rate control in the training, the preparation of the physiological characteristics of women, prevention of injuries and overtraining. The second part - training plans at different distances. At each distance she offers several plans, depending on the seriousness of intent and availability time resources from the runner (after all, this book is for lovers, too), and the example of the training week. Curiously, all chapters are provided with practical examples of professional runners.
What book? To prepare for an important race with an eye to the serious result.
Online resources (ready to prepare plans and resources that form the individual plans of your source data)
The resources of the plan of preparation for the competition by a predetermined distance. For the preparation of the plan need to enter your age, gender, current result at a given distance. The resulting plan will include several cycles of training, a trial race, reducing the volume, the actual race and recovery. Subjectively, it seems that the volume still insufficient to achieve the objective, but there is nothing stopping to increase the volume or the number of training sessions, if time and effort to be missed.
The advantage of this site is that the plans are free and require no registration.
Plans for training of equipment manufacturers
If you commit the results using cross-hours or applications (Polar, Garmin, Runtastic, MiCoach, etc.), you can use the training plans of devaysa / software manufacturer. The big advantage is that you can immediately track the degree of implementation of the training plan and you do not have to keep a diary of their own in Excel or on paper.
This service supports the import workout data from other systems (eg, Polar) or from Excel, allowing track mileage running shoes (if you are using multiple pairs), to spread the results of training in Facebook or blog.
there are paid plans (eg the plan of training for a marathon - $ 29) on the site Runner's World, but very detailed - an example of one training week is shown. You can use the free Smart Coach service, which forms the plan for a certain distance according to the following criteria: distance, the current result, the planned weekly mileage and the level of difficulties. You can even choose the day that you will carry out the long run. The resulting plan will be concise: the date, type of training, distance and pace.
Training programs on the sites marathons
If you register for any major marathon training program you can be taken on its website. It will focus on the fact that you have reached the optimum shape for the race date. As a rule, they represent different levels of plans.
Calculators VDOT
They need to calculate your level of the IPC (maximal oxygen uptake) and define on it the necessary training pace. Links to calculators:
Runbayou: VDOT Calculator
Daniel's VDOT Calculator
The next article will be described step by step algorithm for creating the training plan based on the book "From the 800 meters up to the marathon" and their own experience. Do not miss!