Do I need to throw a drink if you want to build muscle
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
To grow muscle, you need to engage and consume enough protein. Heavy exercise will start the process of building muscle and protein will provide the building blocks. These factors are not dependent on alcohol - you may well go to the gym, eat protein foods and at the same time every night to drink alcohol. so doAlcohol, Athletic Performance and Recovery many athletes.
However, protein and exercise - this is only the basic requirements. At building muscle is also affected:
- the ability of amino acids, the building blocks for muscles, to penetrate into the cells;
- speed of creation and destruction of the protein in the tissues;
- the amount of hormones that help or hinder weight increase.
Alcohol affects all of these factors, and below we look at how it is.
How alcohol affects protein synthesis
And the high and low doses of alcohol depressAlcohol-induced decrease in muscle protein synthesis associated with increased binding of mTOR and raptor: Comparable effects in young and mature rats. the creation of a protein in muscle cells - protein synthesis.
One hour after receiving alcohol decreases protein synthesisStudies on the time-course of ethanol's acute effects on skeletal muscle protein synthesis: comparison with acute changes in proteolytic activity. 23%, and after 24 hours - 63%. Especially strongly inhibits alcoholAlcohol Affects the Skeletal Muscle Proteins, Titin and Nebulin in Male and Female Rats This process in the muscle fibers type II, which rapidly increase in size. That is, in those tissues that are praying all bodybuilders.
However, most studies on the effects of alcohol on muscle, conducted on mice who were given huge doses of ethanol. A large amount of alcohol a bad influence on people. Alcoholics who consume more than 100 g (2 l beer 250 g of vodka) per day, often sufferAlcoholic myopathy: biochemical mechanisms. from myo - breakdown of muscle tissue. One-two-thirds of drinkers muscle atrophy occurs, which leads to frequent falls and difficulties even while walking.
With regard to moderate doses of alcohol, it is unknown whether they affect protein synthesis in humans.
- Ethanol reduces protein synthesis, but for this it is necessary to constantly consume large doses.
- Alcohol can cause myopathy - breakdown of muscle tissue.
- Small doses of alcohol could potentially slow down the formation of a protein, but the effect has not been proved.
How alcohol affects hormone levels
Effects on Testosterone
Testosterone - one of the most important hormones in order to maintain good physical shape, build muscle and reduce body fat.
Alcohol reduces testosterone levels, but you need to drink alcohol frequently and in large quantities for a significant change. If every day for three weeks to drink a half to two bottles of beer, testosterone in men fallEffect of moderate alcohol consumption on plasma dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, testosterone, and estradiol levels in middle-aged men and postmenopausal women: a diet-controlled intervention study. only 6.8%, while women remain unchanged.
Larger drinking affect the hormone levels much more quickly: within 16 hours after receiving 120 g of ethanol (more than five cans of beer, 300 grams of vodka or almost an entire bottle of wine) testosterone in men decreasesThe pulsatile secretion of gonadotropins and growth hormone, and the biological activity of luteinizing hormone in men acutely intoxicated with ethanol. 23%.
Smaller amounts of alcohol do not affect the hormones. A single half drinking beer cans or 150 g of vodka after exercise no effectEffect of acute postexercise ethanol intoxication on the neuroendocrine response to resistance exercise. at the level of testosterone, luteinizing hormone and corticotropin.
Another thing - really heavy workout on the strength or endurance, and high doses of alcohol. 200-300 g of strong beverage after such loads significantly reduceThe combined effect of alcohol and physical exercise on serum testosterone, luteinizing hormone, and cortisol in males. testosterone, slowPost-exercise alcohol ingestion exacerbates eccentric-exercise induced losses in performance. recovery and weaken the muscles.
Effect on Insulin
Insulin is a must for building mass. This hormone triggers the synthesis of protein in the ribosomes and prevents the catabolism - decay protein. In addition, it helps glucose and amino acids to penetrate from the blood into the muscle tissue.
The higher the sensitivity of cells to insulin, the better he provides them with glucose to glycogen and amino acids for muscle building.
It is proved that moderate alcohol consumption improvesAlcohol reduces insulin-hypertension relationship in a general population: the Hisayama study, Effects of moderate alcohol intake on fasting insulin and glucose concentrations and insulin sensitivity in postmenopausal women: a randomized controlled trial insulin sensitivity. But that it has raised, it is necessary to drink alcohol in small amounts periodically. A one-time reception of small doses of alcohol does not changeInsulin-like growth factor (IGF) -1 and IGF-binding protein-1 concentrations in serum of normal subjects after alcohol ingestion: evidence for decreased IGF-1 bioavailability. insulin levels.
- Small doses significantly reduce the level of alcohol testosterone.
- Testosterone drops sharply only after hard training and receiving a large amount of alcohol.
- Moderate consumption of spirits increases sensitivity to insulin.
How to drink, so as not to harm the figure
The only requirement - moderation. 30-40 grams of ethanol per day capacity is not impaired muscle mass and do not lead to accumulation of fat. Calculated in this drink is 700-900 g of beer fortress 4.5%, 300-400 g of wine castle 10%, 75-100 grams of vodka.
Small doses of alcohol can even benefit. Despite the fact that training and the use of alcohol alone can cause oxidative stress, their combination has the opposite effect (of course, it does not have in mind the lessons "On the fly").
Ethanol in combination with exercise reducesResponse of cardiac antioxidant system to alcohol and exercise training in the rat. lipid peroxidation, which causes oxidative stress and increases the risk of atherosclerosis. So if you can not give up alcohol and experience for your heart - enjoy a workout.
Moderate alcohol consumption - no more than 30-40 g of ethanol per day - are not harmful to your physical condition.
Continue to drink a glass of beer or wine after a workout, if it relaxes you. But do not forget that alcohol should not replace your full-fledged cooking techniques with lots of protein. Without protein diet your results will be more than modest.
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