Beginner Experience: 4 weeks from zero to 32 minutes for the first 5 km
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Each runner had to overcome his first turn - the first 5 km! When you're just starting to run, it seems to run 5 km is very difficult, since even just after the first kilometer unpleasant symptoms appear, faithful companions of running - a burning sensation in the throat and lungs and tingling in the right side. (Hello, liver! Hi, stomach!), But then go the first 2 kilometers, and you remember how to run this distance hated school and university before the competition. Then easily go over the first 3 km, and there are already up to 5 km very close.
Today we publish the story of a girl who five years ago would never have believed that this year will run its first 5 kilometers on the fifth Kiev marathon. Meet Svetlana Calancea, PR-manager of the network of fitness clubs Sport & Spa, and its first 5 km. The story is very direct and open - everything as it really is. No supernovae programs and discoveries, but afterwards you realize that it is capable of every person. Personally, I think that this is the best motivation and example. ;)
Do you think that this is another revelation runner with a decade of experience, overcoming every day tens of kilometers? No, I will not advise you to six times a week to practice yoga and drinking green smoothies in the morning, afternoon and evening. I'll tell you the story of a perfectly ordinary man who suddenly discovered a passion, like running.
If I were five years ago, was asked if I wanted to participate in the marathon, I'd only chuckled sarcastically. Yes there to run a marathon, I felt a wild idea to just run in the park or at the stadium. Severe bone, meaty legs, skull structure, not allowing to smoothly cut through the air, - in general, the list of my excuses was a long and rich.
Everything changed this spring. Eager to lose weight before the summer (the girls will understand me), I decided one day, during a working lunch on the run for 40 minutes on the track.
I always liked the powerful calf with here is a sexy cleavage. These eggs have each runner or runners, and I am terribly jealous. This furrow on the calf muscles tense just drove (and brings) me crazy. Motivating yourself so that I can show off sexy calves on the beach, I started to run.
It turned out, sexy furrow formed after years of jogging and even running at minimum speed becomes difficult in the third minute. I started with a speed of 9 km / h, and the first record of my continuous run was something about 8 minutes. As you can imagine, it's very little.
At some point I had almost given up, when suddenly the club Sport & Spa, which I have been engaged, invited me to join their team, traveling to Kiev International Marathon. I do not know why, but I agreed. When there is a certain goal, you know what you are going. It's my struggle on the treadmill was conscious, and this gave me strength.
Distances of the marathon had a few, and I naturally chose the shortest - 5 km. What is 5 km in fact? It seems that nothing, but in fact, with an average pace of 10 km / h is exactly 30 minutes of non-stop running. If you are used to run only from the door to the car and back, you'll understand, it's difficult.
And so I began to prepare. I had exactly four weeks to a level "zero" to go to the human level without dying within 35 minutes of running. From that moment, my subjective guide to the preparation of 5 km for Dummies.
Of course, it is better to run on the street, because it is important to learn how to pick up speed and keep the right pace the entire distance. On the treadmill this understanding atrophies, because everything that you need, you see on the screen. Nevertheless, I ran only twice in the stadium for a month, so anything is possible, and in the hall.
I was given a training program for a distance of 5 and 10 km. It consisted of regular workouts Three times a week. The first was pure interval (i.e. 200 m running at a speed of 14 km / h and 200 m at a speed of 8-9 km / h, and so repetition of 5-6), also the second interval, but longer (1 km at a speed of 12 km / h, then 3 minutes and another 2 km in the same way), the third - the cross (30-40 minutes in a quiet pace 8-9 km / h).
Every week, training became more sophisticated: increased acceleration distance, increased speed, and so on.. After trying the first exercise, I realized that the training program is clearly needed in the training program to prepare. It was too difficult, so I went on my way.
Every day, five times a week, except on weekends, I just ran cross from 3 to 5 km, as it turns out. Frankly, this is wrong. Enough to run 3-4 times a week, giving the body a day of respite. The free running days you can do yoga or just do a workout on a specific muscle group, and that will be enough. But I ran every day, and after the cross-country on the track doing 200 sit-ups. Legs ached terribly, with weeks. That is, basically, you're somewhere you get used to the fact that you always have something hurts, and does not pay attention to it. This is a consequence of daily heavy loads, so they are really better to alternate.
A very important issue - the breath. Everyone knows the feeling of tingling and fullness in the chest. As still breathe correctly, to get rid of it? The coach answered this question to me is absolutely clear: breathe as it is convenient. It is not necessary to bathe "breathe only through your nose, exhale through the mouth," because you just start at one point choke. I breathe to all: and his mouth and nose. So really easier.
It is even harder than the training, all the sweet tooth of the world have now understood. Of course, I did not stick to any diet treadmill, which is calculated every gram of protein and carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight. Just had to basically give up the sweet (girls only for a month, and can be interrupted marshmallows and mermaids) and follow the basic principles of basic nutrition. And they are as follows: oatmeal in the morning with fruit, nuts, honey, all right, someone like that; pre-lunch snack, he's lunch - a banana (can substitute other fruits); lunch - vegetables and meat (yes, the same terribly annoying at chicken breast); Dinner - cottage cheese (with honey, honey I was not sad at all). Of course, you can change the options, but the essence remains the morning carbohydrates, proteins in the evening. Fast carbohydrates we say "goodbye."
new sneakers
To keep his promise to run 5 km, I bought myself a new "right" shoes specifically for running. It's a good motivation, because, firstly, I want to show off the new cool footwear, and secondly, the brain triggers the system "I accomplished the task - I can get a reward." Motivate yourself small pleasures. Accessories for running a lot: from the special headphones to the fitness bracelets. I decided that for all their efforts to reward yourself running shoes. It works. :)
Applications for runners
They work only if you run on the street; on the track, obviously, it makes no sense. I put myself only two: FitnessPal and Endomondo. lead in the first recording I had the flat on the month (but I honestly wrote down all meals, calories, workout, comfortable enough to follow everything). Second, I used once directly in the marathon: it fixes the length of the distance, the route itself, time and your average speed. For training outside the most it.
Last, but not least. Associates. If you support the guys from, you have to motivate for success, you grow wings, you do not want to bring their friends. So if you start to run themselves, seek crowd of runners benefit a lot of them. First, you get to know incredible people, and secondly, you will be easier to go to success, knowing that, when you suddenly give up the slack, and it's going to happen to any, you are required to support.
So come April 28 when took fifth Kyiv International Marathon. My result - a little more than 32 minutes at an average speed of 9.5 km / h. And minus 4 kg. :)
Of course, my calves are still not as sexy as we would like, but I do not lose heart. And I prepare to run 10 km in the next Kiev marathon. Good luck!
Since exercise for Svetlana became not just a job, but also an integral part of life, she decided to launch its small sports project (Page will work from November 13).