7 drinks that will improve your results
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
About the importance of maintaining water balance during exercise, we wrote here. To successfully complete this task, you have many options. But sports drinks rich in calories and soda, are not intended for use outside of the training process. Now I would like to tell you about the drinks, the use of which during the day can help you recover faster and improve their results.
1. Coffee. Some studies indicate that the use of "black gold" can help prevent a heart attack, some types of cancer, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and diabetes. Scientists believe that the secret of coffee lies in the interaction between the powerful antioxidants and caffeine in coffee beans. Moreover, a number of studies, including a 2008 report in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport (Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport), concluded that the use of caffeine before or during a workout helps to engage in longer and tolerate higher load.
Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, so it gives the runner a sense zatrachivaniya less effort during exercise. However, coffee is also an irritant to the stomach and increases the heart rate, so to start Experiment with small portions to run, to ensure that no negative effect. Additionally, avoid adding thereto such harmful for the running layfhakera additives such as sugar and cream.
2. Mate tea. If you do not like coffee, but just need a little morning or predprobezhnom doping, try this Argentine national drink. Derived from the leaves of the South American bush mate it includes three life-giving stimulant - caffeine, theobromine (an element of "happiness" in chocolate) and theophylline - without the side effects of coffee. In each cup of brewed tea mate is about 85 milligrams of caffeine, and coffee cup - 135 mg. mate tea also actively used to lower cholesterol, reduce weight and increase healthy antioxidants in the human immune system, which contributes to muscle recovery after exercise. If brewed tea seems too bitter or unpleasant, add the lemon or lime juice.
3. Kefir. One of the most popular milk products on our open spaces, which is rich in probiotic cultures. Besides beneficial effect on the digestive system, kefir helps muscle recovery, enriched with vitamin B12 for energy metabolism, as well as calcium and vitamin D. In addition, the British Journal of Sports Medicine concluded that the consumption of kefir runners on long distances reduces the risk of respiratory infections diseases by activating defense cells body.
4. Coconut water. Lightweight and osvezhayushy drink that contains much less sugar than juice, and two times more potassium than a banana. Potassium is an important eletrolitom buyout comes out from the body through sweat and urine, and in need of replenishment, especially after active sports. Moreover, the coconut water is not found in saturated fats, which are in the coconut milk.
5. Cherry juice. The famous British scientists have found that runners who drank half a liter of cherry juice for 5 days before and 2 days after the London marathon could decrease the amount of inflammation and muscle injury.
6. Chocolate milk. According to some reports, this drink helps to effectively recover after exercise than sugar-rich sports drinks. Chocolate milk is a natural restorative drink because carbohydrates help restore the supply of energy, protein helps tired muscles and restores electrolytes loss perspiration.
7. Hemp milk. Enough exotic drink in our countries, which, however, will appeal to vegans or those who are lactose intolerant. Besides the fact that such milk rich in protein and carbohydrates, it contains an extremely useful for the heart-healthy omega-fat and iron, which you will not find in cow's milk. The presence of iron is especially useful for women, since women are more prone to a deficiency of this element due to the regular loss of blood, and the low level of its strong influence on endurance.
Whatever you drink is not chosen for themselves, the fact that you exercise says that you are on the right track.
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