5 exercises of yoga for balance development
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
For many runners Yoga is an integral part of the training program. It makes us more flexible, calm, steady, reduces fatigue, helps to strengthen the ligaments and tendons, learns to breathe and keep the balance right. All of the above is not only important for a healthy lifestyle in general, but also for jogging in particular. We continue to publish a variety of complex asanas, and today we have again a selection of exercises that will help you develop a sense of balance.
In general, the exercises on the balance in the group - it is always fun. ;)
Exercise № 1
This exercise will not only learn how to keep the balance, but also to stretch the muscles and hip ligament. By the way, it is perfect as a cool-down after a big load on the hips (squats or running).
To perform this exercise, stand up straight, pull up on the toes (Mountain Pose or Tadasana) then bend the knee right leg and put it on top of your left thigh so that the ankle was lying on knee. In this case, the knee should be allocated to the side that is hip disclosed. Then slowly begin to squat with his hands folded at chest level in anjali mudra. Hold the bottom position for 10 breaths and slowly return to the tree pose in order to change directions.
Exercise № 2
Another variation of the posture of the mountain. For her performance in Tadasanu unwind it again, then bend the left leg at the knee and slide the heel as high as you can by placing it on the thigh of the right leg near the pelvis - it turns standing half lotus. To the foot is not slid, hold it with his left hand, zavedonnoy behind his back, the toe. Hold this position for 10 breaths, then again slowly and carefully return to Tadasanu and repeat with the right leg.
Exercise № 3
This is a simple exercise. Stretch yourself to carry it out on toes and then slowly start to squat. In this case, the back should be straight, the spine is stretched as if you pull up for the crown. The body should be tense, feet - on their toes. Hold this position for 10 breaths and slowly return to the Tadasanu. In the lower position, try not to stagger, and not lean forward.
Exercise № 4
Performing exercise as well as in the third embodiment, but in a lower position in front fold arms greeting (anjali-wise) and slide right elbow of the outer side of the left knee. In this case the palm of the hands, folded in greeting, should be tightly pressed against each other (you seem to squeeze the hand). The back should be straight! Hold this position for 10 breaths and without rising, turn in the opposite direction.
Exercise № 5
And last for today a variation of the third exercise - pose skater. Begin with a squat position. Gently pull your right foot forward and try to get to the foot hands clasped behind her sock. Then, just as carefully, try to straighten up, that is, the breast should not be based on the bent knee of the left leg. Hold this pose for 10 breaths and change leg.
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