12 exercises for healthy knees
Sport And Fitness Educational Program / / December 19, 2019
To prevent the knee injury, avoid pain and reduce mobility, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles.
Strength exercises for the muscles that affect the joints
Before starting the exercises required to warm up: walk around 5-10 minutes and make the joint warm-up and dynamic stretching. For example, So.
1. squats
Three sets of 20 times.
Expand the foot at 15-20 degrees to the knees during squats looked outside. Squat as long as hips are parallel to the floor or slightly higher. Thus knees should not extend beyond the foot.
To vary the exercise, try different variants of squats.
For advanced: split-squats on one leg
This is a more difficult exercise, which helps to better pump the muscles surrounding the joint.
Place one foot on the platform and crouch, making sure that the knee is not showered inside.
For advanced: squats on one leg with resistance
Exercise effectively working muscles, but requires good preparation. You need to squat, overcoming the resistance of the rubber band-expander.
Throw expander loop on hip, move, pulling rubber, and squat on one leg.
2. Static squat against the wall
10 sets of 10-30 seconds.
Be forced back against the wall, sit down and linger at the lowest point of 10-30 seconds. The angle at the knee - 90 degrees. Gradually increase the time spent in the pose.
3. Hoisting tibia resistance
Three sets of 10 times for each leg.
Hook gripper ankle and lift the lower leg to 90 degrees.
4. The rise on tiptoes
Three sets of 30-50 times.
This exercise circulates the calf muscles. Can you hold on to the wall, so as not to lose your balance.
For advanced: the rise on tiptoes on pancake
Stand so that the socks were on the pancake, and heel - on the floor. Rise on your toes and go down at the pancake, stretching the calf muscles.
5. Zashagivaniya the hill
Three sets of 10-30 times for each leg.
When you go up the hill, the knee should be positioned just above the foot, not wrapped inside. In an elevated position you can use the step-resistant chair a special cabinet.
Number of lifts depending on the height of the higher, the less time you need to do.
6. lunges
Three sets of 20 times for each leg.
If you can not keep your balance, lunges back (as pictured). Make sure that the knee bent at an angle of 90 degrees and is positioned just above the foot.
7. Breeding lying legs
Three sets of 20 times.
This exercise will help pump adductors. Spreads her legs quickly, A reduces as slowly as possible.
Exercises for stretching
It is important to not only strengthen but also stretch the muscles. Limiting the mobility of the hip and ankle joints cause instability in the knee: it compensates for restraint and become more mobile. Therefore, in our complex will be exercises and stretching the muscles.
They are made after strength. Each position should be delayed by 60-90 seconds. Deepening stretching can be a little wiggle.
1. Stretching the tensor fascia lata
Often, the pain in the knee caused by a large load on the tensor fascia lata.
Cross your legs so that the left was in the front. Right hand put on the belt, the left lower sides. Lean to the left, stretching his right thigh. Even better keep his hands above his head or bend forward.
Repeat the stretch on both sides.
2. Stretching the calf muscles
Heel legs facing rearward up from the floor. The farther you put the foot, the better stretch the calf muscles.
3. Stretching Hamstring
In the photo - two different stretching exercises hamstring. At run time, try to keep your back straight and knees.
4. stretch adductors
Sit on the floor, legs apart in hand, so far as the stretching. Reach forward, trying to touch the floor belly.
5. stretching the quadriceps
If this pose stretches the quadriceps is not straining buttocks: it helps to increase the load.
Combine strength training with stretching, avoid shocks: running on a hard surface, jumping from great heights - and your knees are stable and healthy.