10 standard errors that we make while working with the abdominal muscles
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Standard structure of strength training in many sports clubs: warm-up, leg exercises (squats), exercises for the chest, hand (push-ups and bench press in different variations), back exercises, exercises for the glutes, abs and a hitch in the form of light stretching. Variations on a theme depends on the direction of training, but almost always abdominal exercises are at the end in front of a banner. And they are always difficult, because by this time we usually have very get tired. How long have we not asked our coach transfer press in the middle of a workout, he never agreed. And now I understand why!
It also became clear why the runners so it is important not to ignore the exercise, aimed at strengthening all the other muscles of the body, including the press. To achieve good results, our body has to work as a harmonious mechanism, and all parts of this mechanism should be in good shape. ;)
Error number 1. Ignoring complex exercises
You will make a huge mistake if you consistently perform only isolation exercises. Complex exercises such as pull in the slope, squat or clean and press, include work every centimeter of your body! Do not forget to include them in their training program.
Error number 2. Exercises for the press in the first place
Exercises for the press take a lot of strength, so if you put them in the beginning of the exercise, then you will be very difficult to carry out any exercise that involves the press, that is the same or squat thrust in the slope. For example, during the sit-ups abdominal muscles support your spine, so it is advisable to approach this exercise in an appropriate state. So you'd better put a drill press at the end of the workout.
Mistake number 3. Failure to comply with the diet
If you think that the cubes appear only thanks to intensive training, you are sadly mistaken! After all, no wonder they say that the press is born in the kitchen. You should not only develop strong muscles, but also to reduce the percentage of fat in your body, then your press has finally come out of the shadows. ;)
Error number 4. Drafting training exclusively for abdominal muscles
As mentioned in the first paragraph of your press works not only when you are performing exercises aimed specifically at this muscle. Press work and during many other exercises, so if you have a full workout with squats, push-ups and zhimami, then 15 minutes for the press is more than enough.
Error number 5. daily workout
Sometimes the "most" does not equal "better". The press, like any muscle in your body needs to rest and recuperate. If you really want to achieve a significant result and not lose motivation, give your body some rest. By the way, some sports applications show the time required for recovery of certain loads.
Error number 6. Doing just twists
There are a huge number of other exercises that work is not worse, and sometimes even better than the standard and are native twist. And the fact that you can not perform a large number of repetitions, does not mean that exercise is not working. Work! More like work! And the more you do them, the better you will get.
Error number 7. Improper exercises
Due to the fact that many do not follow the correct execution of the exercises, and do so as it is easier, the desired results are not achieved, and the motivation fades. And it is natural! Who wants to groan, sweat and suffer from muscle pain after exercise, if your dice have not appeared? To ensure that during the exercise the right muscles working, you need to constantly monitor themselves and focus on working the muscles with each repetition! For example, if you incorrectly perform the classic climbs of the body, the next morning instead of the abdominal muscles you will be sore neck and felt the fatigue in the hips and thighs.
Error number 8. Ignoring a lower back strain
Of course, the crust is, the front and side, but still it has a spin. Many neglected muscles in the lower back, but forget about it, not worth it!
Error number 9. Ignoring the new exercises and sophistication of old
Oblique, lateral and front abdominal muscles, and the muscles of the lower back are part of your bark, but they are quite different, and their fibers running in all directions. Therefore, for a truly effective workout you have to constantly change something, add new exercises and increase the complexity of the old.
Error number 10. Using special devices from teleshopping in order to pump up the press
You seriously believe that if you fasten yourself to a pair of electrodes of the abdomen, then a month get a perfect press, as promised in the advertising video ?!
What are your abdominal muscles include the usual exercises
Tomorrow's ab routine 💪👊 #Howtogetabs
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